~The Story Told~

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"It wasnt my first time cutting anyway," I said, loud enough for everyone in the room could hear. They all looked at me, surprised.


-Time 6:03 a.m.-
-Minnesota POV-

"It was all my fault, I shouldn't have screamed, I shouldn't have even investigated, I shouldn't have-" I cried softly. Everyone in the hospital room was shocked to here this.

"No, it was never your fault. If anything, it's my fault. I should've told you guys something wasnt right instead of just pretend what was happening to me was normal," Ame said.

"..You were the one that screamed? You've got a girly voice!" Pennsylvania jokingly said, trying to get me to laugh. It didnt do anything. He drove here, he was old enough to. He's 18.

"Penn! Not the time!" York said to him through clenched teeth.

"I'm s-sorry.." I curled up into a ball. It is my fault. I know it's my fault. I've heard Penn talk about me with a whole group of others. H_ll, Ame doesnt even recognize me as his own state!

"Oh, dont be sorry, ya hockey lovin' ice fisher!" Penn is usually a laid back person, but I can sense he'd rather be home right now. He's getting irritated.

"Its fine, Minn! It was never your fault in the first place! I..I swear I didnt mean..any..of it," Iowa said apologetically. He still had tears threatening to roll down his face. The doctor person guy - I learned his name, apparently Germany and Ame are good friends - came back through the door.

"I must ask all of you to leave for a moment. I want to talk wit 'im," he said with a german accent that I hadn't detected before. The four left. I wouldnt be surprised if Penn went back home to talk trash again. "You're going to be dispatched early, yes. But I have some questions," he said. He seems to really like adjusting his glasses, as he did it once more.


"Why did you cut yourself?"

"...that's personal info I dont really wanna give out. Sorry."

"Zats okay. Here. Bring zese bandages wit you for ze nex time you decide to do such zings." He handed me a roll of gauze.


"You're welcome. You've been dispatched. Goodbye mein freund."

"Bye - WAIT! Wheres my hoodie?"

"Oh, right. Here." He gave me my grey hoodie. I put it on and stuff the gauze into the front pocket.

"Now it's goodbye." And with that, I walked out. My suspicions about Penn leaving were right - he wasnt there anymore. We walked out to the car across the dimly lit parking lot and got in. The drive was a silent one. All you could hear was Iowa's occasional soft-crying, and the car itself driving down the highway. Iowa sat on the left, with York in the middle, and me on the right. I rested my head on my hand, which was being supported by my elbow, which was resting on the car's window sil. I realized I still hadn't thanked York for being there that night.

"Thanks, York." I said breaking the silence and still looking out the window. He turned to me.

"Thanks for what?" He asked, confused.

"For trying to keep me alive the night of the party."

"Oh. Y-You're welcome!" It sounded forced, but I shrug it off. We finally arrived the house. Ame opened the door, and immediately stepped out of the way. I step in after him.


I was hugged by almost all the states at once. I swear, I actually suffocated there at the door for a solid minute or 2. This made me so sad. This only proves that people care for you when you're dead. I had nearly died and now everyone's f#cking worried. They let go of me. Well except Alaska, who is like my overprotective brother even though I'm older than him.

"Okay, yes I'm alive..you can stop suffo - hugging me now." He let go of me and smiled. I walked into the house along with Iowa and York. I went upstairs to put the gauze Germany gave me into my nightstand drawer. I came back down the stairs. To my surprise, Texas was waiting at the bottom for me.

"Glad to see ya still aroun' Minnie,"  he said to me with a sh!t eating grin across his face. He was leaning against the wall.

"Weird I thought you hated me..?"

"Oh, Minnie. I neva' hated ya. I jus' like ta' make fun a' ya sometimes." Huh. Good to know.

"Okay then." Seems that everyone thinks I'm back to being happy. I thought we were over this, guess not. Oh well. I never liked to worry anyone. It's still just me myself and I.  When I went upstairs to put the bandages away, I was surprised to see that they didnt think to throw out the razor. I went into the kitchen, which is literally one with the dining room. I was hugged from behind by two people. The first one was Florida, the most energetic of us all. She just couldnt let it go. I was startled by her once more, I turned around and hugged her back. Then while I was hugging a crying Flori, I was hugged by what felt like a tall figure. I was picked up to the figures shoulder only to see it was Canada. He put me back down. I forced a smile. But now I need to know - what did the other unfamiliar countries do at the party when they (probably) found out what happened?

"So, what did the other countries do after..so-so happened?" I asked carefully and reluctantly. Canada is one of my only friends, and he's got a fragile heart. Not physically, but mentally.

"Uhm..you probably met Japan there..she was one of the first to find out. She..was really dramatic about it. Our parents and siblings were shocked like me, Germany wasnt there, the Scandinavian group got really worried, especially Norway, presumably because you guys know each other. Russia's siblings didnt know how to react. Russia was trying to hide his surprise but you could tell he didnt expect anything like that to happen. The states..most of them cried, the rest were just too shocked to do anything. And Ame..I've never seen him so worried before," he frowned.

"O-Oh.." I was shocked to know that it actually caused a disturbance at the party. "A-At least I'm better now, right?" I asked, forcing myself to stay as positive as possible.

"Yeah," he laughed. "The Korean bro's were there too, along with China for some reason. South Korea obviously had to comfort Japan, as those to were good friends. They ended up crying together. China..I dont want you to think everything of it, but China giggled at the sight. He hates Ame with a passion, they're sort of rivals, so..yeah. And North Korea, he was a little surprised, but quickly snapped out of it and crossed his arms, clearly trying very hard to cover the shock and the chill in his bones." He bit his bottom lip into another frown.

"Huh. Who would've known!" I forced out in a happy tone.


"Well, I'll see you around!" I said a little too happily. Whoops. I faked my happiness and positivity for the rest of that day, and into the night.

Hello again! Yes, I decided to be English this time! Did you like the song reference I made to Hold On? Hope you got it lol. Okay, Bye~!

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