Chapter 6 Part One

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This chapter is dedicated to a friend of mine who yelled at me to update right after I posted the last chapter xD and thank you to all of you that decided to tell me daily to update and keep me from just totally forgetting about it

Oh and by the way since chapter 6 is actually a pretty big chapter event wise I decided to continue enjoying the annoyance you guys get from cliffhangers and make it a two parter xD part one will be a bit short but part two will hopefully be longer than all the rest so far. There is also a very special ending to part two that you won't want to miss ;D

Again sorry for having short chapters. It's touchy making new chapters on a phone that can barely run a game. ^^' this one is kind of a scary short part but it's partially a filler so no worries. I may update this again soon to make it longer.

Welp enjoy!


He's... Gay....

The Ryder White is gay.

Help I can't breathe and he's sitting in front of me and damn those perfect eyes.

Is it ok to think like this now that I know he's gay?

"Y-you're gay?" Wow I stuttered worse than I thought there.

"Yep..." His voice quieter than I had probably ever heard it. "Now will you please come to the game tomorrow?" He asked so kindly.... How could I say no to that face?

"Sure. I'll go."

Damn. Here comes that smile again.

"You'll really come?"

"Definitely. I wouldn't want to miss you kick ass." He chuckled.

This is gonna kill me one day.

The smile that was plastered onto his face could make anyone's heart flutter. Ryder stood up, reminding me that he was more than a little taller than me. "I'll see you tomorrow then." His voice was soft as he walked back down the bleachers to join the rest of the team.

Holy shit.

He's seriously gay...

Wait does that mean I have a chance? Maybe? Even a little teensy bit of a chance?


I had ended up walking home instead of getting a ride from the hunk himself. A certain man part couldn't handle seeing him shirtless after he left the locker rooms, freshly showered.

Let's just say I left pretty quickly to find a cold shower.

Lucky for me, my house was close enough that I didn't have to deal with my embarrassment outdoors for very long. The first thing I did when I stepped foot on the carpet flooring was rush to the bathroom, dropping my backpack and phone off in my room on the way. It was unfortunately getting late since practice had run for more than a few hours, so I didn't have much time to relax and imagine Ryder laying in my bed na-


Bad brain.

Well not so bad brain because that's gotta be a beautiful sight that I hope to see sometime in the future.


Ow. That's gonna leave mark. Maybe I shouldn't have hit my face so hard. Especially in water because now there's droplets everywhere.

I hurried through the rest of my lovely visit to the miniature Niagara Falls, and dried off in record time. The last thing I wanted to do is be tired tomorrow. I needed to make sure to look nice.

Shh. You heard nothing.

"Conner! Don't forget to eat something!" A voice shouted from downstairs.

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled back. I only received an annoyed groan in response but I didn't need a real one anyways. I just need sleep.

So that was exactly what I got.

Maybe my dreams will have a special little visitor, joining me from Damn He's Hot Ville.

Heh. I crack myself up.

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