Ride (10)

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(Angel's POV)

"So the radio demon?" Molly said the second the door closed.

"Yea? What about him?" I asked pulling out a bag.

"He's sketchy...Why bring him?" She questioned.

"Because he's my......F-Friend."

"Oh really...? Sounds like there's something more there! Tell me all about it!" 

"It's nothing Molls! Stop pressing!" I walked to my closet.

"What do I need to pack?" I asked.

"Just some normal everyday clothes! Nothing too formal!" She said in her normal happy voice. I packed a few pairs of my favorite suit and a sweater with a pair of booty shorts.

"Done! When are we leaving?" I ask her in a chipper tone.

"As soon as your 'Friend' is ready to leave!" She said while grabbing my bag and opening my door. When I walk out of my room after Molly, Alastor is walking toward us.

"Hello! Let me take that for you Dear!" He said taking the bag out of Molly's hands.

"Oh uh thanks!" She said.

"Are we ready to go?" He asked. While holding the bag out to the side a shadow manifested and took the bag, it was already holding one. It was one of the ones that was shaped like Al, it gave me a wider smile and I smiled back at it. This seemed to make it happy....Cute. The shadow followed Alastor closely, it seemed to be looking at me the entire time and that was a bit creepy. We followed Molly out to a car and Alastor's shadow put the bags into the car, smiled wider at me again then dispersed. I sat in the front with Molly behind the wheel. Alastor didn't seem to mind sitting in the back. 

(Alastor's POV)

I don't mind sitting in the back of the car...It makes it easier to look at my dear Angel without being noticed...Though I do wonder where we are going... We were driving for a while though I don't mind listening to Angel's voice and looking at him...The car comes to a stop, I take my eyes off Angel for a moment to look outside. We were parked in front of an old broken-looking house.

"Where are we?" Angel asks to his sister.

"You'll see!" She said happily. They got out the car, my shadow grabbed the bags we had. We walked to the shabby house, she unlocked it and threw the door open.

"Guess what! I brought Angel!" She said with enthusiasm to whoever was in the house.

"The fucking whore of the family?" A voice said.

"Why'd you bring my biggest failure?" A different voice said. I could feel my ears twitching. I looked at Angel and his eyes were filled with fear and betrayal, I started to see some tears falling down...I resisted the urge to go in and kill everyone there and I gave a tight hug to Angel...I started whispering comforting words to him...He seemed to be calming down just a little bit.

[Sorry for the super short chapter but I wanted to make ya'll suffer with a cliffhanger >:)] 

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