Chapter 3

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REY WOKE UP TO THE SENSATION OF BEN KISSING HER. THAT WASN'T entirely surprising, considering that seemed to be Ben's usual wake-up-call. Rey smiled, not opening her eyes, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing she was awake.

And also just enjoying him kissing her.

"Rey..." Ben murmured in her ear, his voice a low rumble. "Rey, wake up..."

He kissed her cheek, then trailed kiss after kiss down her jawline, down her throat. Rey had to fight hard to keep from opening her eyes and kissing him back.

Ben wrapped his arm around her waist possessively, burying his face in her shoulder. He was obviously trying a different tactic to wake her up. 

Finally, Rey opened her eyes and laughed as Ben moved his head up to kiss her throat again.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake!" she protested.

"I know," Ben said. "You are a really bad actor."

"No, you've just been living with me for too long," Rey countered. "You know me too well."

Ben smiled. "That I do. Come on, we have to get up."

"Why?" Rey complained, turning over with some difficulty to face Ben. It was only hard because his arm was still over her side. "I don't want to get up. I want to go back to sleep."

"What happened to the Rey that hardly ever seemed to need sleep?" Ben asked. 

"That was during the war," Rey grumbled. "I had no time to sleep. I ran pretty much on adrenaline and blue milk."

"You like that stuff too, huh?" 

"Luke got me addicted on Ahch-To."

"He pretty much had it with every meal at his Academy. I never cared for it, myself. I prefer coffee."

"You still never answered my question. Why do we have to get up today?"

"Did you actually forget? Today we get to show Finn how to build a lightsaber."

That made Rey a little more alert. "That's today?"

"That's today," Ben confirmed with a smile.

"Karabast," she swore. "That means we do have to get up."

"I told you," Ben said.

"Shut up."

Rey sat up, Ben following suit, and blinked in the sunlight streaming in from their bedroom window. She glanced at the clock: 0800. Too early. But then, Luke had made her get up at first light every day to do her Jedi training, and Leia hadn't been much better. She could handle 0800. 

Somewhat reluctantly, Rey got out of bed and disappeared into her and Ben's shared closet to get dressed in her signature white Jedi tunic. She never wore robes like the old Jedi Masters and Knights had -- she felt it just got in the way. She contemplated wearing one of her other tunics -- the sand-colored one or the grey one -- for a moment before deciding on the white. it would be a nice contrast to Ben's black tunic -- for he still refused to wear anything but black, despite being a Jedi once more. Especially today, when Finn would complete his training by building his own lightsaber.

Rey emerged from the closet to find Ben shirtless, waiting for her to walk out. Rey just shook her head and smiled. She'd never gotten over that Force bond when he'd been wearing no shirt -- and right after she'd argued with Luke, no less. Despite her asking him to put on a cowl or something, he hadn't moved. Rey had both been repulsed and didn't mind.

"Your turn, Ben," she said, walking back over to the bed and kissing him lightly before retrieving her black lightsaber and clipping it securely to her belt. She'd turned a piece of her staff into a lightsaber by removing the section, rebuilding it, and adding a kyber crystal. The best part about Rey's lightsaber, unique in itself as it was, was that she could reattach the handle to the end of her staff, making it a double weapon. Lately, she'd been meaning to ask Ben if she should try and turn the other end of her satff into a lightsaber as well, so, when necessary, she could use her staff as a double-bladed lightsaber.

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