Chapter 3

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    Toby, Masky and Hoodie ran as fast as they could to slender mansion.  Drenched as much as they possibly could be in cold mud and rain.  The box that contained the doll was hidden in hoodies jacket barley, as it stretched his jacket tightly as it was a bit to big.  Naturally they would have just carried it but they all had a strange fear of getting it wet.   As he unzipped his yellow jacket, the masked man took out the rectangular box hidden within his jacket.  Hoodie stared at the box skeptically as they walked through the mansion hoping not to gain anyone's attention, luckily they did not.     " H-hey guys, wh-what are we go-going to tell sl-slender?" Toby asked gainging their attention.  They all looked at each other.  Hoodie was the first to speak up, " we could just wing it and hope for the best?".    " Yeah, we don't have many options do we?" Masky sighed.
Toby looked to masky, " n-no, other th-then tell him we found a p-pretty doll that makes u-us feel weird."   Masky looks to hoodie who gives him a reflex shrug stumping his tense shoulders.  He then fixes his eyes to the wooden box.  Something was very off putting about the toy.  It looked so real yet, it's still a doll.
     Masky tries to tell himself," it's just a doll," yet he still doesn't believe himself.  They make it to the double doors leading to they're boss, scared to what is waiting for them.  They have a feeling this doll holds more then what is showing.   As they stand in front of the door for what seems to have been for ever they eventually draw straw to who has to knock.                   " Damnit..." Toby says as he holds the shortest straw.  " Go on," masky and hoodie say in sync.  Toby slowly shuffles to the door and lightly knocks.  A deep, staticy  sounding voice ecos though the door.  " Come in Toby,". "h-how did yo-you know i-it was me?" Toby gasps with shock in his voice as he swings the door open.  " I can hear you ticks though the door…"
    " Oh, yea… ha."   "Indeed" slender says with a confused look on his          " face".  Toby and Masky approached slender's large dark desk.  Slender sat looking at his papers, wearing a white button long sleeve and his normal red tie slightly loosened.  "Is there something you needed?" Slender questions looking up from his paperwork.  " Well… uh… let's just show him and go from there." Masky says with a sigh in defeat. 
  "What are you boys talking about?". Slender asks in question but consern seeping in his voice.  Hoodie slowly enters clutching whatever ever is inside his jacket. He makes his way to slender's desk and pull the wooden box out.  Slender carefuly takes the box out of his hands. 
     As his large hands graze over the box, he says barely above a whisper almost like a breath, " where did you find this…"   " it's best if you look to our memories rather us try to explain."   " Very well," Slender says as he pushes his way into their minds.  After what felt like a interinty he eventually speaks once more.  "Take the rest of the night off you guys seem you need it.". " Yes sir." They say insnc.
  As they leave He stands up.  Carefully taking the doll out of her box.  Walked over and carefully places the doll onto a close chair.  He turns and walked to the large windows behind his desk.  "Y/n… it's been a while my love."         " Indeed slender," a soft voice echo.  He turns slowly to face a now humanoid women sitting on the chair looking at him.  He walked over to her and cups her cheek with one hand and her hand in the other.  " Y/n it's really you, were have you been?!" Slender doesn't know what to say let alone feel.  " Lost…" was all she said.  As he looks at her longer his "eyes" widen in shock and fear as he staired at her cracks.  " Y/n… your damaged…"   Y/n stays silent.  " Are you in pain?" Slender asks in question and fear of the answer.
       Y/n was made of glass.  If glass breaks it can never truly be fixed meaning the pain is forever no matter how bad of a break.    Y/n stays silent.         "Y/n answer  me, please."   " Yes." Was all she could mustered.  " Y/n, I don't know what to do, how?" " I...was dropped." Y/n whispered.  Then it clicked.  " The girl, you killed her because she broke you?". Y/n tried to shift to fix her small skirt and winced.  " Stay till love I'll take care of it," Slender says as he mentally Calls for his proxies.    " You called slen-," Masky pauses as the others just gap.
" I-is th-that…" " Yes Toby, boys meet Y/n.

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Broken glass [Creepypasta x doll reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin