"Right," Her mom replied with sarcasm.

"Look, Michelle, I know that you two love each other but you aren't getting any younger... Have you taken the time to think about that?"

"I have, Mom... But that doesn't matter," She replied.

"Okay. What about Rebecca?"

"What about her?"

"Has she accepted you as Derek's girlfriend?"

Michelle's face dropped at that question. Rebecca, Derek's mom has never liked her one bit, although Derek isn't worried about that, Michelle is. She can't understand why after all these years Rebecca still doesn't like her. She isn't comfortable with the fact that the woman who would someday be her mother-in-law hated her to the bone.

"Not yet." She sadly replied.

"Don't you think that's the reason Derek hasn't said anything about your relationship?"

Michelle rolled her eyes at that, wondering where her mom was getting all this imagination.

"We're fine with our current status." She told her mom.

"Are you sure about that, honey?" Leah asked with a skeptical look.

After that question, Michelle wasn't so sure about her reply. She began to take into consideration all her mom had said. She concealed her thoughts with a smile, not wanting to go further with the conversation because she didn't want to start having doubts about Derek or what he felt for her.

After spending some more time with her mom, when she was certain her mom was feeling better, Michelle went home.

The house was spotless just how she wanted it. She took off her clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. While in the shower, she kept thinking about what her mom told her earlier. She was aware of the fact that Rebecca hated her but she hadn't ever thought that that could be a reason why Derek hadn't taken their relationship to the next level. Although she wants that so badly, she doesn't want to question him about it or push him into doing it just because she asked. She wants Derek to propose out of his own will when he is ready.

She got out of the shower with a towel around her and went into the closet to get something to wear. She wore a navy blue T-shirt dress and headed for the kitchen to make dinner before Derek got back from work.

She decided to make Lasagna and strawberry smoothie for dinner.

While making dinner, Derek walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," He greeted wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Hi," She replied with a smile and turned around to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

She gave him a slow and passionate kiss, he smiled into the kiss and said,

"I love the aroma."

She smiled and gave him a quick kiss before turning her attention back to the meal she was preparing.

"How was your day?" Derek asked.

"Fine. I took my mom to the hospital."

"Why? Is she okay?" Derek asked with concern.

"Yeah. It was only a cold."

"Are you sure?" He asked to be certain because he cared about Leah since she was like a second mom to him.

"Yes, babe. There's nothing to worry about."

After that, there was silence between them, not an awkward silence.

"I can see the house is spotless,"

"Yup! The cleaning agency sent some workers over today."

"Are you that excited about Nathan's coming?" He asked.

"Yeah. Do I have a reason not to be? I miss him... You know he's a close friend." She said putting off the stove and walking over to Derek, who was now sitting on the island chair, placing her arms around his neck.

"Mmmm," Derek only exclaimed.

"You know what?" She continued.

"I'm thinking of having a little welcome party for him,"

Derek raised an eyebrow at that.

"Is that necessary?" He asked.

"Yeah," She happily replied.

"Aren't you starving?" She asked changing the subject.

"I'm famished."

"Good then. Go upstairs, take a shower, and come down for dinner."

"Why don't we shower together?" He asked with a smirk.

"Nope. I just showered a while ago,"

"No, you didn't." He abruptly carried her over his shoulder.

"Derek, stop! I need to get the table ready." She said feigning to be upset.

"We can do that later." He replied and carried her upstairs.

Here is Chapter 2
Don't you just love these two😍
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