on my way

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(Stevens POV)

I have no idea what's happening, except for the fact that it's kinda cool.

(Pink diamonds POV)

I finished packing Stevens things, I have food, clothing and I'll find water on HomeWorld. I walk to the living room, placing his bag down on the carpet. I put Steven in my lap ,and I look him in the eye I can't smile, why did I say yes. I kiss him on his forehead and sigh "Steven...you are so spoiled." I say the last part in a playful tone and he giggles "ok, now go say goodbye to your father." He gets up and runs to his parents room,also known as the place it sit for eight hours strait starring at his father sleep. I can't help but stare out the window, I go over to it and I look at the ocean, and at beach. Blue was under the water hidding from any human that might spot her, but I could see her hair floating to the top of the water. I knew she was trying to pull it down but that didn't happen, I couldn't help but giggle softly. I looking over at the Christmas lights the gems along with Steven and I strung around the house while Greg was at work... We won't be back in time for Christmas it takes three days to get to HomeWorld let alone visit and get everything situated God white will be so mad.... I really don't want to be in a bubble for the next 6,000 years. I go to the bathroom and change...

( Blue diamonds POV).

Pink diamond her trusty Pearl and her Steven left the building, she was holding her Steven and he was hugging her neck...what is a Steven? Is it a accessory???she's always holding her, other than that, she was wearing some new clothing . They were a lot better than her last outfit. She was wearing a white shirt with a cut in the front to show her legs, She had shoes that had a cut in the front to show her toes ,and he had a white body pice it had a diamond cut in the middle to show her gem , it was connected to long sleeves that ended at her wrist. She was walking over to the water which I had made blue "Hay Blue, were ready." pink started with a sad tone, i didn't like that at all ,I want to make her happy make her want to come home... I also want a LOT of questions answered, Yellow might also enjoy some explanation once she hears of this...

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(Narrator POV)

They were all on Blue Diamonds ship "pearl, set course for HomeWorld." Blue ordered sitting down in her throne, pink was sitting in hers as Steven sat next to her. "Pink ...can I see your Stevens gem." Blue glanced over at pink only to see her jolt "pink are you ok?" Blue asked worried " Yes blue, I'm fine.... You can see him gem of he's ok with it" pink answered. Steven sat there thinking for a second, when he decided to let blue see his gem. He stood up and walked over to blue she lowered her hand to let him sit on it witch he did she brought her hand up and Steven lifted his shirt to let her see his gem.... She stopped and looked at it in confusion. "Blue...I'll explain dont worry.
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