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Another death breathes new life. When everything goes black the light always comes back. Most people wanted the world to be this way... being able to come back after you have left. Although everyone wanted this, they still act like this life is the only one we get to live, but being in this constant reminder that this suffering will never end. That this struggle that I have to go through will only repeat. The hell that this brings me... There is no way out. Even death can't save me now.
"Hey Mia! Where have you been?" My friend Farren shouted from across the hallway. I sighed to myself.

Great this just had to be the same thing as last time. Why can't I just die?

"H-hey?!" I yelled turning around to see that she had wrapped her arms around me.

"Calm down Mia, why do you have to be down all the time?" She said pulling her arm warmers farther up her arms.

"You're one to talk..." I said with a groan.

"You're right this world can go to hell for all I care!" She said shouting to the hallway causing a couple of people to turn and give us the same looks they always do.

"Anyway how are you doing today? This whole week you seem out of it. I mean you always do, but this week you seem really off." She said removing her hands from around my waist.

If only you knew this is the 53 time I have had to redo this whole thing. 53 times I have failed you Farren... You are the last one I want to see being hurt by all of this...

"You know you can tell me. I have heard and seen all of the little secrets you hide Mia~" he said nudging my ribs. I could tell she was smiling even though I didn't even look at her face. Although most of her reactions are predictable I still can't figure this girl out. That's why I have decided to let her become close to me. I do feel bad that I have gotten her into a mess she doesn't even know about.

I'm sorry about all of this Farren. You deserve so much more than this...


"Well you know what that means! This hellish day is about to begin. Don't think that this gets you out of an explanation. Cause no matter if you wanted it or not you are going to explain what is going on in that black labyrinth of a head of yours." Farren said before booping my nose and turning around on the heel of her silver studded black combat boots while waving her hand.

"See you later Mia!" She said before disappearing into the crowd of people wearing all the newest trends and texting on their phones and laughing with their friends at absolute nonsense. I sighed. People here never change. They are always the same. So boring...

I walked down the hall that was becoming more scarce of people by the second. The chatter was fading away. Maybe for once I won't have the same thing happening again.

Ok last time I walked down that hallway to get to my first class so to avoid what's coming, I just have to go this way-

"Mia! Hey did you get the paper done that I asked you to write?" Niki yelled from the entrance of the hallway two doors down from where I was standing. Of course this event has to be a core one...

{core events are events that have to happen no matter how much you do to avoid them, the only thing you can change is the outcome}

I turned around to see the exact same scene as last time before me. Niki was standing next to Kaylan and the rest of her clique. Why does this have to happen to me. I mean out of anyone I'm glad they decided to pick on someone with no worth... instead of picking on someone who is full of worth and messing them up instead of someone like me.

"So did you get it done you worthless scum?!" Kaylan said from beside Niki who were closing in on me. Getting closer by the minute.

"Well I did, but I wanted to check it over before I gave it to you-" Niki slammed her hand on the wall beside my head.

"I don't care if you wanted to check it over dumbass I need it today!!" She screamed while Kaylan just glared at me beside her.

"Yeah if you didn't do it then we are going to fail this project and then well I'm pretty sure that you know what's going to happen to you is that happens..." Kaylan said leaning in moving his nail over my neck leaving a small scratch. All I did was look at then with my dead eyes before pulling my bag off my bag to grab the printed paper. I went through my bag quickly and got the paper out and shoved it into their hands.

"Well if that's all you needed then I'm going to go to class." I said trying to leave sure as hell knowing that they wouldn't let me leave. Niki pulled me back by my black bag making the straps tight on my shoulders and causing me to fall to the ground. I rubbed my ass getting up of the ground only to be met with a hand around my neck. Kaylan had his nails digging into the sides of my neck probably drawing blood.

"You sure as hell should know that you do not talk to us like that. Bitch!" He said before throwing me to the ground causing my head to hit the wall before it all went black.



My eyes shot open to reveal Farren leaning over me in the nurse's office. I could feel the pain pulsing through my head where there was now a bandage.

They still made me hit the wall so hard it took blood.

I really do think I can take this anymore...

I looked up at Farren's face to see the tears that have always been there in this moment. Whenever I see her in pain and know it's because of me it just reminds me why I shouldn't have let her get close to me...

"Mia! I'm so glad you are ok!" She gasped pulling me into a hug. I patted her long brown hair with blond tips at the end. I really liked to braid her hair even when we first met she told me she kept her hair long because she knew it made me happy because I could do her hair. I remember that was one of the memories I don't regret having to relive.

"Sorry I made you worry..." I said trying to avoid the explanation of what happened. She never liked Niki and bad things will happen if she knows.

"No it wasn't your fault. You should be glad I was in the hallway walking to the bathroom when I was... Cause you were just laying there with blood covering your forehead." She said putting her head over my shoulder. I could feel my shirt get wet from her tears.

She didn't notice the cuts on my neck this time.

Good thing that I remembered to put on a scarf today.

"No it was my fault, no matter how many times I learn not to talk back to people... I always talk back to them..." I sighed. I really need to learn to watch my mouth. It always seems to get me into so much trouble...

"I'm just glad you're ok." She said relieved. I didn't even respond. I knew that if I said anything Farren would just ask more questions. So best to stay silent for now. I know she hates when I lie and she hates liars, but this isn't a lie... it's just and untold truth.

-wanted to write a time loop AU after reading a great story that my friend wrote. I hope you enjoy this story!-


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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