☢︎︎ Mɪsғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴇ | Pᴛ 1 ☢︎︎

Start from the beginning

As I approached them, I saw Ethan notice me and give me a smile, before it quickly faded. "Harr–! Oh my god– Bog are you alright ?!" The concern in his voice grabbed the others attention, in which they were talking about the latest Fifa before everyone was suddenly crowded around me. I felt Tobi and Ethan wrap their arms underneath me to keep me stood up. JJ was stood in front of me, concern etched into his face "Harry.. what the fuck happened ??" He brought his hand up to my chin, lifting it up and to the side to reveal my neck. It was red raw now, Logan's handprint basically imbedded into my skin. I heard a few of the other guys gasp, before looking away, I tried to speak but all I could cough up was a simple "L-Logan.." and before I even finished his name, JJ face flushed with rage. I panicked, trying to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. "JJ wait–!" Took one step forward sharply. Bad idea. Pain flooded through my stomach and up to my chest, earning a yelp of pain that sent the others into pure big brother mode. They helped me up and sat me against the wall.
"Harry, what did he do to you ?" Simon asked, the others stood listening.
"W-Well... I got your dumbass voicemail and came down to see yous here. I-I was walking along the corridor minding my own business and suddenly I'm pinned by the neck against the lockers by nobody other than L-Logan Paul," I shivered at the name. "Jake just kinda stood there.. watching his brother slowly suffocate me. He... he made me stop breathing..." My breath hitched, my hand shakily touching my neck... where Logan's had been. "But then he dropped me.. whilst kneeing me in the stomach before I could touch the ground.. kicking me and then him and Jake just walked off.. l-laughing..." I choked out those last parts, tears welling up in my eyes. I chose not to tell them about the insults part, not wanting to anger them anymore. I swiftly looked to the ground, hiding my shame from the boys. Fucksake man.. why am I so weak ? Can't even defend myself when being flung into a locker. Logan's insults still buzzed around in my mind, they hurt but are they really wrong ?

Before I could finish my thought I had fingers snapping in my face. "Harry ! You're pretty dazed and injured man, you should go home" Vik's tone was serious but still had care in it. I just frantically shook my head, which was a BAD idea as now I'm seeing fucking stars and my neck pain flared back up but I just tried to focus on the lads. "N-No ! I can't let my parents see me like this- What if they transfer me to another school ??" I panicked, I don't want to transfer schools. I struggled making friends as it was when I first came here from Guernsey. My hands were shaking still, sweat pooling up in my palms. God everything hurt so much and I'm filled with so much fear its hard to breathe. I was suddenly pulled into somebody's chest. It was Tobi's. He hugged me tightly, rubbing circles into my back and saying calming things. As I started to calm down, I could hear the rest of them talking about what they were going to do about me. After a few minutes had passed, I mostly stopped shaking and I was just sat next to Tobi, starting at the floor.

"Harry ? You alright now mate ?" Ethan crouched in front of me, looking me over. I just gave a small nod in response. The guys came back over from where they were speaking and sat down around where me and Tobi were. Josh was the first to speak up "So from now on Bog, you're not walking alone during school times and when you go home, one of us will walk with you." JJ carried on what Josh was saying, "If one of the Paul brothers comes near you or tries to start shit with you, call us immediately. Preferably me, Simon or Josh as they don't dare mess with us." All this seemed a lot in all honesty, it's just me ? There's no need to go out of their ways to help me. "Don't yous think this is a bit.. much ? I don't wanna inconvenience you all or have to call yous whenever I get threatened by someone. I'm not ruining your days by having you deal with the shit that I get myself into." Their expressions saddened, but also became confused. "Harry.. you're not inconveniencing any of us. You're our best friend, our little brother. Why on earth do you think this ??" Simon quizzed me, I thought for a few seconds before I gave the most true and only response I could think of.

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