When They Find Out

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The USJ. When (Y/N) heard that name she chuckled to herself, but a spark came to her eyes when she heard it would be rescue training. Rescue training. Finally. She thought. However once she got there, she found herself disappointed. Disaster. Of course. Heroes must be flashy. She thought. She sighed a little before raising her hand. "I have a question." She said. Pro Hero 13 gave her a look. "Yes?" They questioned. "Does this simulator of yours have anything to do with hostage situations or things dealing with kidnappings?" (Y/N) asked. 13 chuckled. "No, no, no. You'll be learning about things like that during your second year." They said. (Y/N) grit her teeth. "Okay." She forced out. "Just curious." Everyone glanced at her weirdly except for Bakugo. (Y/N) trailed behind the group as they started walking in and Bakugo walked to her, lowering his voice. "You still set on trying to find the d*mn nerd?" He asked. She walked past him with a determined look. "It's the only reason I'm here." She hissed. Once they got into the USJ all hell broke lose. 

Villains were attacking. 

The warp villain, Kurogiri, teleported up to them and scattered most of the students. A few remained and managed to hold off the villain long enough for Iida to slip through and run for help. (Y/N) stood in front of 13 protectively while the other students did their best to hold of Kurogiri seeing as he was gunning for 13. The Pro tried their best to get the students to stand down but when Kurogiri lunged for them, something in (Y/N) snapped. "Stop." She whispered quietly, her (E/C) eyes starting to glow. Everything seemed to freeze in that area as Kurogiri froze mid air. Fog settled over his consciousness as he felt control over his body slip away. He felt as if he was being drowned, but still able to breathe. Whispers filled his head, in tune with (Y/N)'s own whispered words. 

"You will return to your leader."

You will return to your leader....you will return to your leader....you will return to your leader....

"You will tell him that you have killed 13."

You will tell him that you have killed 13....you will tell him that you have killed 13....you will tell him that you have killed 13...

"You will protect any heroes and students that your leader threatens to harm or kill...you will protect us from the other villains." 

You will protect any heroes and students that your leader threatens to harm or kill...you will protect us from the other villains...

"You will not remember me or my Quirk...you will tell your leader that all threats have been neutralized...."

You will not remember (Y/N) or her Quirk...you will tell your leader that all threats have been neutralized...

"You will carry on as you normally would, you firmly believe 13 is dead and that no threats exist to your plans." 

You will carry on as you normally would, you firmly believe 13 is dead and that no threats exist to your plans....

"Do you understand your orders?" 

Kurogiri slowly nodded, a blank, almost vacant look in his eyes. 

"Good. Now get out of my sight." 

And with that he warped away. (Y/N) blinked, the glow in her eyes vanishing. 

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Quirk: Whisper
Whisper is a powerful and dangerous Quirk, birthed from the combination of a mind control Quirk from her mother and a Quirk that allows the user to glance into someone's memories from her father. Whisper allows (Y/N) to completely take hold of someone's mind and make them do her bidding. She can also look into the memories of her victims and read their minds to discover their deepest and darkest secrets and fears. No one has ever broken out of her hold before. Once she has you in her grasp you can't escape her. 
Drawbacks: (Y/N) has to be within sight range of a person to use her Quirk on them. She can't move if she's looking into someone's memories but then again, neither can the person. Her victims are fully conscious and aware of what they're doing while under (Y/N)'s control. She doesn't shut off their mind, she just controls it and their actions. She can get severe migraines if she over uses her Quirk and she can only use it on one person at a time. 
Weird Side Effects: (Y/N)'s eyes will glow while the Quirk is in use or if she's preparing to use it. She can be slightly manipulative even if she herself doesn't realize it consciously. 
Overall: A powerful Quirk with dangerous possibilities. Despite its glaring drawbacks of having to see her opponent and only being able to use it on one person at a time, it's been proven that (Y/N) can switch from person to person with her Quirk in the blink of an eye. Anyone who learns about her Quirk is normally petrified in fear. Sure, there are much worse Quirks out there, but many choose to fear the Quirk that completely removes their free will and can put them all on puppet strings. It's a scary thought to imagine that a fifteen year old girl with a single thought can completely control everything you do. What's even scarier is the thought that if she trains enough, she could overcome some of her drawbacks, and maybe use her Quirk on more than one person at a time. 

Everyone stood shell shocked as the glow from (Y/N)'s eyes was gone. They were...confused. What just happened? What was that about? Did (Y/N) use her Quirk? Was THAT (Y/N)'s Quirk!? The (H/C) haired female turned around, glaring into the gathered villains trying to fight Aizawa. She shot a look at 13. "You should stay out of sight to protect everyone else. For as far as the villains know now, you're dead. That's a tactical advantage. Hide, move back closer to the doors to stay out of their sight. And if someone comes up here to attack us you can handle it from there. If that warp villain sees you it'll override my commands and he'll snap out of it." She said. 13 nodded, moving back with the rest of the students. 

All the teachers had been previously debriefed on (Y/N)'s Quirk. Nezu was confident that (Y/N) wouldn't hurt any of them, in fact, he kind of liked the female with the mind controlling Quirk. It was quite funny for him seeing Mic and All Might panic when they heard that she could completely control their actions. All Might was still terrified of the girl for the sole reason of the fact she could look into his memories and read his mind. But Mic got over his fear seeing as the girl was one of the few competent ones in his class and actually reminded him of Aizawa in a way. In short, most of the teachers liked (Y/N) and weren't overly worried about her Quirk unlike most Pros and other adults. 

The students on the other hand....they were currently petrified. Not only were they unsure of what (Y/N)'s Quirk fully was, but the sheer thought of her having a powerful mind controlling Quirk was causing all kinds of nervousness. A lot of things made sense to Uraraka now...how (Y/N)'s father reacted to seeing her, how (Y/N) herself refused to talk about her Quirk, but she couldn't help but feel...betrayed in a way. She knew (Y/N) wasn't a bad person...but she couldn't understand why (Y/N) would hide this from her! She would've understood! ...Wouldn't she? 

(Y/N) slowly squatted down, eyeing any villain she could keep her eyes on as they moved. She began to control a few of them, giving them orders to attack the other villains and protect Aizawa. She also gave them orders to turn themselves in once the heroes and police arrived. The ones she controlled the most were the ones she was aware that Aizawa couldn't erase the Quirks of. Mutant types. The students watched in confused terror as villains turned on eachother at (Y/N)'s whim. She bounced between villains quickly, since she could feel the emotions and pain that they felt while under her control. Once she was satisfied with the number she had brainwashed started sending villains after the leader. The blue haired villain all the way in the back. She noticed another villain wearing a black hoodie and a face mask standing next to the blue haired villain. But when she tried to enter their mind she found a powerful mental wall there, protecting their mind. She started getting a small headache, signalling that a migraine would start if she didn't stop. She tried taking control over monster in the back too without even thinking of controlling the blue haired villain to call for a retreat. She found that she couldn't take control over the monster, and was blown back with a serious migraine. She flopped back, the pounding in her head so bad she thought she was about to pass out. "T-t-that's the best I c-can do..." She muttered, clutching her head. 

But the damage was done to the villain side. Infighting was everywhere, chaos spreading like wildfire. Aizawa got confused about why most of the mutant types were starting to help him but then remembered (Y/N)'s Quirk. She's gonna be a problem child alright...using her Quirk at this scale when she already barely uses it... He thought, looking around while still kicking a*s. The villians in the back exchanged looks. Shigaraki looking at the shorter villain in the face mask standing next to him. "Is this your little girlfriend's doing?" He asked. "Probably." The other responded. Shigaraki scoffed a bit. The tides continued to turn in favor of the heroes as the rest of the UA staff arrived. Nezu hopped off of Snipe's shoulder to let him do his work as he walked over to (Y/N)'s side. He surveyed the damage and smiled at her, patting her head. "Good job (Y/N)." He said. She nodded, still hissing in pain. "Midnight, help (Y/N) stand up and get her out of there. Snipe, Ectoplasm, Mic, All Might, do your thing." Nezu ordered. "Aye sir!" They all chorused. Midnight ran to (Y/N)'s side and helped the girl stand, leading her out of the building where the police were waiting. "Does anyone have anything for migraines?" Midnight called. An officer ran up with a bottle of medicine and some water before quickly walking away. Midnight glared at him slightly before helping (Y/N) sit down and take the medicine. "How are you feeling dearest?" She asks after a while. "Fine..." (Y/N) muttered, eyeing some of the cops that eyed her nervously. Midnight followed her gaze and sighs a little. "Ignore them. Tell me what happened." Midnight said. (Y/N) nodded and explained all that happened while the rest of her class was brought outside and most of the villains were detained. Apparently All Might had pummeled the creature knowns as 'Nomu'. But the other three villains got away. 

The USJ attack was over, but how would the class react to the debriefing about (Y/N)'s Quirk?         

Villain Deku x Reader: Whisperحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن