Chapter 2

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The dark sky still stretched above our heads like a blanket. The screams continued. Suddenly, a small shadow walked into the tree house, well not walked more like limped but whatever. I let out a scream and at one point I think I cried of horror. It was a puppet but it's eyes didn't glow yellow they glowed white.

"This puppet is not yet evil but it's only a matter of time before it does" Abbie muttered not letting her eyes off of the puppet.

I looked at it and watched it fall onto my knee.

"Mama said I shouldn't wander but I did and look where it got me... A puppet...mummy miss you I'm sorry so sorry you were right like always" it cried.

As it moved its hand from its eye it revealed only one glowing eye the other was stitched into a cross shape.

"What happened? What's your name?" Kristie asked curiously.

"I'm ferret, I ran off from my mummy, then I was stopped by the puppet man and he made his puppets cut out my eye. He took me to his base and put my spirit into this puppet costume" she said sighing.

"Then that's where everyone else is correct?" Abbie said springing to her feet.


"Hey the puppets not evil yet and it can help us, wanna come along with us little girl " I said to it bending down to its level.

It nodded slightly and it leaped onto my shoulder.

"So where do we go from here?" Kristie asked the puppet.

"Forward!" It said jumping on my shoulder.

We all got up and walked down the ladder nervously. Who could blame us after a puppeteer is on the loose with killer puppets. I felt sad for ferret, we couldn't save her cause the deed has been done but we could give her the few hours she has left to be the best. How can the puppet still be smiling when it's just been killed? I can tell that will be a question with no answer.

"Bodies here but there stale " Abbie said "so he's not nearby"

"But don't we sorta want him around? You know so we can sneak to where he stitches the soulless puppets" I said

"Sorta I guess but not quite" Abbie answered

We started to walk to where the doll told us to walk, although my legs ached cause the puppeteers place was at the other side of the park. A trail of blood, which seemed endless, was fresh and smelled of guts. We were also greeted by some eyeballs and intestines but that was rarely. Kristie looked horrified and Abbie looked like she was in a land of Daisy's. The puppet started to react badly, it let out a screech. I looked up at it, puzzled.

"What's wrong ?" I asked but I heard no reply

"It's just a sign" Abbie replied not looking at me and walking forward.

"What sign though?" I replied

"That we don't have long before it turns evil"

"That's bad" kristie said lifting a branch above her head.

She was right. We don't have long. And if we don't have long, let's just say we're in trouble.

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