Chapter 8: As I lay Dying

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                                                                Season 2 Episode 22

"You've been busy," Elijah says to Klaus while throwing clothes on Nik.

"That was amazing. How long has it been?" Nik asks.

"Almost two days. The full moon came and went. YOu remained a wolf." I say to Klaus smiling.

"I can change at will, then. Good to know. I remember every single kill." Nik says.

"Yes, I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way," Elijah says.

"Just like old times brother," Nik says.

You've had your fun. I believe we ave a bargain. Elijah says.

"That's right now what was it again? Oh, yeh wait. I remember. That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family." Nik says.

"You gave me your word. Niklaus." Elijah says.

"What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to kill me." Nik says.

"I could have. But I didn't. Elijah says while helping Nik put his jacket on.

"And now no one can. Not even you. Klaus says before walking away from Elijah towards me giving me a kiss on the lips and us holding eachother for a moment.

"Let's go," I say holding on to Nik's hand leading us to the car so we could go back to the apartment.

"Klaus your back," Katherine says as Nik, Elijah, and I come into the apartment.

"What are you doing here Stefan? Do you really want me to kill you for what you did? I ask Stefan.

"Your one to talk. But I need your help. For my brother." Stefan says.

"Well, whatever it is he's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention. Nik says as he walks past Stefan to get something.

"You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own. Elijah says.

"And so I shall. Nik says before stabbing Elijah to make he dead. 

"Now what am I gonna do with you? Nik asks as he has Stefan pinned to the wall. While I sit down and start writing a letter for Damon because I know in the end Nik will give his blood to save Damon. 

The letter...

Dear, Damon

                           I am so sorry that you got bitten by Tyler but I made sure that Nik would give you his blood. I can't come to visit you so I am writing this letter to you. Don't come and try and find us. I want to be with Nik and this is something we both need to do. You don't need to worry about Elijah he is already taken care of. Take care of yourself. I'm sorry that Nik killed the girl that you loved but I know what's best for you, big brother. Elena Gilbert would have destroyed you like Katherine. She was already ruining your relationship with Stefan like Katherine did. I love you Damon so much and if you want to talk you can call me. I am sorry I didn't come to say goodbye but we will see eachother again. Goodbye, brother. I love you and we will see eachother again one day.

                            Love, baby sis.

"So who is giving the blood to Damon?" I ask as I see that Klaus's blood is in a glass thing.

"Katerina is," Klaus says.

"Katherine you give this to Damon for me. If you don't I will kill you." I say to Katherine as she takes the blood and the letter and leaves.


"Can we go now please I want to get out of this town," I say to Nik while I hold onto his arm holding his hand in mine.

"Of course love, let's go," Klaus says before leading me to his car with Stefan behind us with blood all over his face.

"I love you Nik." I say to Nik as we are in the car."

"I love you too my beautiful Queen," Nik says before kissing me on the lips while Stefan gets in the car then we drive off to find some werewolves.


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