Jimin lets out a small giggle, his equally as small hand coming up to cover his mouth. "I know. I read your name badge."

Duh, of course he did. Attached to his uniform, permanently on display is of course said nametag.He clears his throat and scratches at the back of his ear. "Well Jimin, I'll be right back with your order."

A little over five-minutes later and Yoongi returns with Jimin's order, as promised. Today, he had decided to be a little more adventurous and made a star out of the cocoa powder. It kind of worked. In fact, he'll even admit it to be his best attempt. It even has the correct amount of points.Jimin thanks him and takes his first sip. Once again, his eyes light up and he hums, content. The action squeezes Yoongi's heart dangerously. He is absolutely devastated, unable to handle anymore Park Jimin, he decides to get back to work before his heart malfunctions for real.

With thoughts of keeping as busy as possible, he tries to make an escape to the counter, but before he can make it two steps, Taehyung waves him over to where he is struggling with putting some fairy lights along the lengthy, wooden bookshelf. Reluctantly Yoongi finds his way to him.

"Have you asked him yet?"

"Asked him what?" Yoongi feigns ignorance, hoping to avoid this conversation.

As it turns out, lady luck is not on his side.

"You know, out on a date."

"Not yet."

Taehyung's eyes widen. "Why not?"

"I only just learnt his name. I don't him to feel pressured into anything." He crosses his arms over his chest, feeling childish but stands firm in his belief.

Taehyung takes this into consideration. "Just ask if he wants to hang out after your shift or something." Yoongi thinks about this for a moment. On the off chance Jimin might say yes, Yoongi doesn't even know how to converse with him without falling into a stuttering mess. As much as he would like to get to know the guy, he does have more pressing matters. His stomach accentuates this point by a subtle grumble. "Not tonight. I have to go grocery shopping. My pantry and fridge are void of anything edible. I don't think I can take another day of eating cardboard noodles."

Taehyung sighs. "Hyung, I think you've mistaken the cardboard for food."

Yoongi ignores the jibe, compromises. "What if I were to ask him tomorrow? It'll be my day off so I could swing by the café, maybe bump into him and ask him out then?"

Taehyung mulls this over for a moment. Yoongi can practically see the clogs of his mind ticking over. It doesn't take long before he agrees. "I suppose that could work. But you have to ask him then. No buts."

Pleased with getting Taehyung to give him more time, Yoongi promises once again that he will do it tomorrow and not back out. He really does need to go food shopping though. There is only so much instant ramyun he can stand.

Remembering he actually has other customers to serve, Yoongi takes a moment to sort them out and make sure everyone is enjoying their orders. Once positive everything is in order, he goes to check up on Namjoon.

When he reaches the doorway to the storeroom, he halts in his path. Namjoon sits chewing the end of his pen with a dozen sheets of paper spread out in front of him, his right-hand scratches inquisitively at his scalp.

"Is everything all good?"Yoongi's voice breaks the concentrated look on the others face. He blinks and meets Yoongi's eyes with his own. He lets his hand drop to his side and the pen falls to the floor, rolling lazily under a shelf and out of sight. Namjoon frowns at this.

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