Children of the past.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Devil May Cry, just my OC’s

Recap: Dante slide backwards on his feet slightly, but didn’t make any attempt to put his arms up or stop Marlo from hitting him again, which she didn’t.

To his surprise, and everyone else’s, she instead wrapped her arms around his neck and let a sob escape from her mouth. “Took you long enough, asshole.” She sniffed.

Dante and Trish shared a sigh as they drove out of Wendover in Dante’s charger; some people were on either side of the road as they continued along the outskirts of the town and towards the highway. All the people looked grim and solemn, which pretty much matched the atmosphere in the car, well, the atmosphere coming from the back seat anyway. They both looked into the rearview mirror to see the twins in the said backseat.

Chris was behind Trish and was staring out the window aimlessly with an emotionless expression, his scars showing from underneath his bangs. RoRa’s head was resting in his lap, and he was stroking her head slowly as his Ipod blared. Marlo was behind Dante, she had a grim look on her face as she stared up at the ceiling, her arms spread out as they lay on the top of the backseat, RoRa’s body was situated in the space between them, as was a small backpack that held a few personal items that could be used to elevate boredom.

Marlo sighed heavily and tilted her head backwards further to watch as the town disappeared out of sight from behind them. “Hey… Dante?” she asked a slight pause between the two words.

Dante looked up into the rearview mirror and keep one eye on the road, Trish swiveled her head to the side a little. “What? Can’t call me dad?” He asked in an attempt to achieve humor.

Marlo snapped her head forward and gave him a near blank stare. “How ‘bout I just put a well deserved bullet in your skull?”

“Go right ahead,” Trish told her as she turned back to face the road. “Maybe yours will finally knock some sense into him.”

Marlo snorted in disbelief, “Yeah, and demonic pigs don’t fly.” Dante cracked a smile at that, it was true in a sick sort of way, plus, it wouldn’t be the weirdest expression he’s heard. “I just wanted to ask you something.”

“Hmm, and what would that be?” he asked boredly. Truthfully, he didn’t know how exactly to talk to the twins, his own children. He was still kinda tense after last night’s little ‘hug’, Marlo blamed it on being that time of the month, Chris, not wanting to be shot, agreed with her.

Marlo paused slightly, and then turned her head to stare outside. “You…. You did this a lot growing up too, didn’t you?” Her voice carried a hidden sorrow; it was deep and painful to listen to, for those who could hear it. Even though Chris showed no emotion, he was practically screaming it. “Moving around, leaving one place that you called home right after you got comfortable with the place I mean.”

“Yeah,” Dante said. “I did that a lot till I was about 16, then I just left the system. But mostly, I didn’t have good places to go too when I was a kid, so…” he let the sentence hanging on purpose, not wanting to press down any further on toes, or at least stomp on them any harder.

The twins had come from a relatively good home, people that cared about them, trusted them, and looked up to them. It seemed that the moment that Chris had thrown down the vial of holy water, everyone in the town of Wendover that had been helped by the twins all seemed to get up and swarm around the house. The first people there were actually former clients and school faculty instead of emergency services. Those people were the ones to watch as the twins, followed by the two faux substitute teachers, walk out of the house with bags in hand, said bags contained all that was left of their lives as citizens of Wendover, all except for memories.

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