"What do you want?" Cole slurs, draping an arm to the girl beside him.

"Come home. Mom's worried sick." Ethan tried his best to steady his voice.

"What? Is she worried? I bet dad doesn't even care." Cole scoffs and raised his voice. "This is my suck up brother, ladies, and gents!"

Ethan felt flush of red on his neck and ears. His brother is intolerable when drunk. King smirks at him, knowing this time, Cole is within his grasp.


His brother is ignoring him. It's not like he's the one who's hunted for his DNA to be studied. It's not like he's going to die, right? He doesn't know how he felt when he was told he's not even the same kind as he is. So he did the only best thing at that time.

He drags him by the arm.

"Hey!" one of the girls exclaims, scowling. It went like a mere static to his brain.

For once, thanks to his DNA, he managed to get him across the beach by the side of the road where Elite-One and her car is within view. He flung his brother hard on the ground, tired of all the ways to get him to listen. And it didn't help to feel Elite-One's amused look from behind the black-tinted window.

"What the hell, dude?" Cole sloppily pushes his shoulders. "Leave me alone."

"You're worrying everyone." Ethan grits his teeth, clenching his jaw.

"Yeah? Good."

Red clawed at the edge of his eyes, threatening to break free. Why is he pushing his buttons? Does he not realize the danger he could bring to him and his own family? Right. Cole had decided well enough to know that Ethan isn't a part of his family.

Never has and never will.

"Do you want your parents to be killed?!" his voice is unlike him. "If you hate me so much, why don't you just kill me? It's the better alternative anyway. You'd be doing the whole world a favor."

Cole's eyes widen at his request, turning sober. Then, in a quiet voice, he whispers, "I don't hate you that much to wish you were dead."

Had Ethan been an average human, he wouldn't have heard it. Thankfully he isn't. His chest still heaving from all the rage and frustration he just released.

"And I don't believe you." Ethan softens his voice. "I don't know which one is the best alternative, death, or keep hiding for the rest of my life? Whichever way I choose, I keep dragging everyone with me. So, I guess I won't hate you for hating me. I wish I'm not... this either."

The brothers fell into a comfortable silence yet tension still lingers around them. A loud honk startles both of them. Ethan kinda forgot Elite-One is watching. He sighs and turns to his brother.

"Look, you have every right to be angry at me. You can even ignore me for the rest of your life but mom's worried and dad's frustrated. They thought it was the only thing to do. Maybe, if you convince them, you won't have to go?"

Ethan waits impatiently, wishing Cole to just say yes and leave. They were starting to gather a few rowdy teens who thought they're fighting. In sense, they do, just not the physical. Cole fixes him a hard glare before swiftly stalking towards Elite-One's car.

The Elite didn't say anything when they've settled themselves inside. She starts the car and in no time, they were on the road. By the time they've arrived, their parents burst out of the door. And for the first time, they embrace Cole first, completely disregarding him.

And he's fine with that.

"Thank you," Mara whispers to the Elite.

The girl rolls down her window, nodding. "Tell us when you've decided."

As her car sped away Levi starts ushering Cole and Ethan back to the house. Mara wrinkles her nose at the pungent smell of beer but chose not to say anything. Everything is silent and until their dad began to speak.

"Your mother and I have been thinking," he watches Cole drank a bottle of water. "We still think you two should go with them."

Cole chokes, water spurting out of his mouth. "I want to stay, dad. No! Just listen. I want to stay. At least until senior year's finished, then you can send me to wherever you want."

Mara sighs. "How about this, if—when Ethan reawakened all his memories under a month, you can get back here and continue to finish your senior year. You might not even miss prom!"

Cole scoffs. "Can't go there if I don't have a date."

"You are going with your brother. And that's final. If you think you can lie and find a way to stay here, you can say goodbye to football." Levi firmly says, grounding his teeth.

Ethan's eyes widen. Football is the only thing his brother ever cared for. If they take that away from him, Cole will forever be nothing like the brother and son he once was. Ethan knew his parents are out of line but he doesn't have the power to release his voice.

"So we're still going?" his heart breaks at Cole's quiet voice.

Levi nods. "For your safety."

Cole didn't reply. He looks forlorn, looking down at the ground like he had no other choice. All Cole ever wanted was to be put first and Ethan can't see that happening anytime soon. Their parents are hard to talk around when they've set on a decision. He only hopes that he won't be truly gone.

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