Settle in

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There was a loud sigh coming from Lea and Coraline's room, "let's go ask if they're here yet" Coraline said as she impatiently slid on the bare floor, they both ran out the door and downstairs to see Dad next to the door with a whole bunch of boxes. He was writing a check or something to give to the moving person, Dad tried to shut the door but the moving guy stuck his foot in front of it to stop it from closing. "Tip" the man said, Dad reached into his pocket and handed him a dollar and shut the door. "Hey! You guys wanna help unpacking?" Dad said as he picked up a box, "nope" "sure!" Coraline shook her head no, but Lea shook her head yes, "ok!" Dad handed Lea a box and Coraline ran to the back to check out the outside,
                                          Coraline's Scene
Coraline walked out of the back door looking around at the scene she was in, she walked down the stairs and into the garden path, she gazed at a bush and dug through it just to find a loose branch, she picked off the leaves and pretended it was guiding her, as a black cat followed behind..... she walked up some stairs to the bridge in the garden. She followed along the wall of the bricks exiting the garden and following a path, the black cat stubbled upon rubble and it fell causing Coraline to look around in suspiciousness, "hello?" Coraline said, no response "who's there!" Coraline said hoping there would be a response, but there was none and her face filled with disappointment, in anger she through a rock at where the noise came from, there was a loud Cat howl it was very intimidating. Coraline ran along the path as fast as she could, looking behind her she continued running. At a point she stopped in front of a fairy circle, not knowing, she stepped into it, she heard a crinkle in the grass, Coraline gasped out of fear, the black cat jumped onto a bolder. He set out the same intimidating howl, Coraline screamed and turned around quickly "you scared me to death you mangy thing!" Coraline said as she threw her bag on the ground, "I'm just lookin' for an old well, know it?" Coraline asked, the cat didn't do anything as she just stood on the bolder "not talkin', huh?" Coraline pointed out as the wind blew hard "Magic dowser, Magic Dowser, Show me, the Well!" Coraline waved her stick into the air and a loud air horn came from the trees, a kid on a bike with a 3 eyes telescope skeleton mask steered towards Coraline fast, Coraline screamed "Get away from me!" She tried to hit him with the stick but the stick got caught on the bike and it took her with it, she fell into the mud as the bike ramped over a rock and stopped. He nodded up his mask "ooh, let me guess. You're from Texas or Utah, some place dried out and barren right? I heard about Water Witching before but it doesn't make sense, I mean it's just an ordinary branch" he held up her branch, "it's a dowsing rod!" Coraline hit the kid in the ankle which made him drop the stick, "ow!" The kid held his ankle and Coraline caught the stick "and I don't like being Stalked! Not by psychonerds or their cats!" She turned her head like the cat "it's not really my cat, he's kind of Feral, you know Wild? Of course I DO feed him every night and sometimes he'll come to my window and bring me little dead things" the kid scratched the cats head and Coraline Sighed "look, I'm from Pontiac" Coraline said "huh?" The kid was confused "Michigan? And if I'm a Water Witch, then where's the secret well?"' coraline Stomped her foot "you stomp to hard and you'll fall in it!" The kid responded and Coraline jumped back, "Oh!" The kid jumped down and started digging the mud on top of the well entrance "see?" The kid knocked on the well and there was a big thump echo,  "it's supposed to be so deep, if you fell to the bottom and looked up, you see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day" he smiled "huh" Coraline also smiled and looked down at the well she bent down and touched the mud "surprised she let you move in, my grandma? She OWNS the pink palace. Won't rent to people with kids" he crossed his arms "what do you mean?" Coraline asked "Oh, I'm not supposed to talk about it, I'm Wybie. Wybie Lovat" he held out his hand, Coraline smiled and took his hand to shake it "Wybie?" Coraline asked "short for Wyborne, not my idea of course. What'd you get Saddled with?" Wybie asked  "I wasn't "saddled" with anything. My names Coraline" she responded "Caroline what?" Wybie asked "CORALINE, Coraline jones" she stomped her foot "hmm. Not really scientific, but I heard an ordinary name like Caroline can lead people to have ordinary expectations about a person." Wybie pet the cat again and Coraline grumbled, "do you have any siblings?" Wybie asked "yeah...I have a sister, her name's Lea" Coraline handed Wybie a picture of Lea. "Hmm. She doesn't look to different" Wybie said while looking at the photo, "Wyborne!" A person called out while shaking a bell "I think I heard someone calling you Wyborne" Wybie looked around "I didn't hear anything" Wybie said "no I definitely heard someone why-were-you-borne" Coraline said, then the voice called out again "oh yeah I gotta go" Wybie got on his bike but for some reason took the photo of Lea with him, Coraline stuck out her tongue.
                                                                 Lea's scene
"Alright a couple more boxes to go at least till later till there's more unpacking then we can settle in!" Dad said while handing Lea the next box "don't forget the desks! Those are important for work!" Mom shouted from the kitchen, "we won't mom!" Lea responded and smiled while taking the next box. "I'm gonna go work, you can finish that box"
Dad went to his office and shut his door. 2 hours later..."phew" Lea wiped her forehead as Coraline walked through the door. "Hey!" Lea smiled "hey" Coraline faintly smiled and they both went up too their bedroom.
                                                                The next day
"I almost fell down a well yesterday mom" Coraline looked out the window in the kitchen while her mother was on her computer "uh-huh" her mother responded as if she wasn't listening "i could've died" Coraline said "that's nice" her a mother again responded In a cruel way "soooo can me and Lea go out! I think it's the PERFECT weather for gardening!" Coraline smiled and moved away from the window "no Coraline, rain makes mud, mud makes a mess."  "Mom! I want stuff GROWING when my friends come to visit! Isn't that why we moved here?" Coraline leaned over the table "something like that, but then we had the accident" Her mother said "It wasn't my fault dad hit that truck!" "I never said it was" "i can't believe it..." Coraline scratched her poison Oaked hand "you and dad get paid to write about plants, and you hate dirt..." Coraline crossed her arms "Coraline I don't have time for you or your sister right now and you still have unpacking to do, LOTS OF UNPACKING!" Her mother looked over her computer "that sounds exciting!" Coraline sarcastically said while her mother reached down "oh and some kid left this on the porch" she handed it to Coraline, Coraline opened the package and it revealed a doll "a mini me?....and there's Lea.." Coraline said "what's his name anyway?" Her mother asked "Wybie, and we're way to old for little dolls" Coraline walked to her fathers office "hey dad. How's the writing going?" Coraline smiled while holding her doll, there was no answer....he just kept writing  "hello Coraline, and Daughter...dolls?" Her dad looked at Coraline and the two dolls "do you know where the gardening tools are?" Coraline asked "it's uh, pouring out there, isn't it?" Her dad asked "it's just..Raining" Coraline crossed her arms "what'd the boss say?" Her dad asked "don't even think about going out Coraline Jones!" Coralline imitated her mother "hmm then you won't need the tools" Her dad said, annoyingly Coraline started squeaking the door "ugh" her dad said "you know this house is 150 years old, so explore it! Go out and count all the doors and windows, count everything that's blue JUST LET ME WORK" Her dad handed her a notebook and pencil. In the middle of her exploration she found a very weird door..."alright little me and sister, where are you hiding?" Coralline turned around to see the dolls heads peeking out from behind a mattress, suspiciously she walked over and moved the mattress. "Hey mom! Where does this door go?" Coralline yelled to the kitchen "I'm really, really busy!" Her mother yelled back "I think it's locked!" Coraline yelled "PLEEEEEASSE!!" Coralline begged, her mother got up and walked to look at coraline "will you stop pestering me if I do this for you?" Her mother asked and Coraline nodded her head, "she went the the kitchen to the key drawer to looked through all the keys and stopping at one. She walked back and outlined the door, she then unlocked it, "bricks?! I don't get it!" Coralline was disappointed "they must've closed it up before they divided the house" her mother said "you're kidding! And why is the door so small!" Coraline complained and her mother got up "we made a deal! ZIP IT" her mother walked away "you didn't lock it!" Coraline yelled and her mother screamed. Coralline shut the door
"Oh my twitchy witchy girls! I think you are so nice I give you bowls of porridge and I give you bowls of ice cream!" Her dad sung a song as she put the food on the girls plate, Coraline pushed her food away but Lea enjoyed it. "Why don't you ever cook mom!" Coralline asked her mother "Coraline we've been through this before, your father cooks, I clean, and You both stay out of the way! I swear I'll go food shopping as soon as we finish the catalog. Try some of the chard Coraline, you need a vegetable" her mother said as she ate "it looks more like salime to me..." Coraline was disgusted "well it's slime or bedtime fusspot, now what's it gonna be?" Her father said. Coraline turned to her doll and Lea had hers in her hand "you think they're trying to poison me?" Coraline made her doll shake her head yes and she went to bed, after Lea was done she also went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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