Your Favorite Things to do on/around Christmas

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-She enjoys sitting in front of the fire with you, warming up as the white, powdery snow falls outside, making the world around you guys cold

-She also likes baking Christmas themed foods like everyday leading up to Christmas


-She likes doing secret Santa

-One year she had everyone do a book themed secret Santa, where every gift was a book

-She also enjoys opening presents, and you find it cute when she gets super excited over the gifts


-She likes cuddling with you while watching Christmas movies (especially when you guys are by the fire place, and have hot coco)

-She enjoys decorating the Christmas tree with you

-She especially likes putting the garland on the tree


-She likes looking at Christmas lights

-She also likes putting up decorations in and out of the house


-He likes buying you presents for some reason

-He also likes it when you guys watch Christmas movies together

-He takes every chance possible to meet you under the mistletoe ;P

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