Back in Time

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Harry's POV.

After what felt very similar to flying on a broom, in pitch blackness, the black fades and I am blinded by a light.

He noticed he was in the Great Hall. He was at Hogwarts! He smiled ecstatically and from ear to ear, he was back at Hogwarts! He hadn't seen it whole since the muggles blew it up. They hadn't cared that it had been a school for innocent children, they had magic, therefore they deserved to die. He could still see the coffins, one of which his daughter Lily was in, smell the burning flesh. They had thought the children would be safe at Hogwarts, they were wrong. They still had hope that this would end soon, even if it was slowly dying.

Years of shock managed to keep him from reacting to the people sitting beside him, Ron and Hermione. His Hermione was last seen ten years ago, not even ten years of war stopped her from preaching and believing in equality. The muggles said they wanted peace, they lied. They arranged a meeting to discuss a peace treaty between the two races, it was all a lie. 

They sent her body back to her family, one piece at a time.

Ron would have been better off if he had died with her. He stopped living, joining all the raids towards the muggles, the more violent, the better. Three years later he joined Hermione. Harry still believes Ron went on that raid knowing he would not return. He destroyed that muggle base, taking himself and over five hundred muggles with him. After Ron died, the family was reduced to Teddy, Fleur, Arthur, Fred II, George, Al, Rose, and James. Everyone else had died already. 

It was that moment when Harry swore to himself to never let that happen again, no matter the cost. No matter how many innocent, as if there were any, muggles would suffer something that hadn't and wouldn't happen. They would all perish, his race will live on. He swore it.

His thought process was broken off by hearing, "The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!"

He was back in time for the drawing of the champions. He knew what was going to happen next. The goblet fire turned red once more and popped out another name.

"Harry Potter."

Just like last time, everyone turned to look at him, no clapping, then the students started to whisper. However, instead of sitting there in shock, he got up and went to the professors' table. He walked with confidence and grace, sure of himself in a way that he had never been before. He walked with feline grace, something that his younger self lacked. He was a new creature now, he wasn't going to hide it.

When he reached the table Dumbledore said, "Well, go inside Harry."

Harry listened, like he did the first time, and went through the doors, he was greeted by a smaller room full of paintings and a lit fireplace.

Victor Krum, Cedric Diggory, and Fleur Delacour were in a group near the fireplace. When they heard the door open they all turned to look at him.

"What iz eet?" Fleur asks. "Do zey need us back in ze Hall?"

"No." he replied, smiling a little at remembering how flustered he was the first time. He did not miss the inquisitive looks from the other champions though, however, he remained silent. The silence was interrupted when Ludo Bagman appeared through the door. He took Harry by the arm, either ignoring or not noticing Harry scowl.

"Extraordinary!" Ludo exclaims, squeezing Harry's arm. "Absolutely extraordinary! Gentlemen, Lady, he added approaching the other three champions, "May I introduce the fourth Triwizard Champion, as impossible it may seem!" Bagman finishes, looking impressed.

The three champions had the same reactions that Harry remembered. Cedric appeared confused, Victor looked to be determining if Harry was a threat or not, Fleur looked at him with deprecation and threw a tantrum that would make a three year old proud.

Death's Son (Originally done by Little.Miss.Xanda)Where stories live. Discover now