Chapter 1 - Lost Cause

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Have you ever had luck so terrible, it came during a certain season? Well, I'm a living example of someone who has that type of luck. I don't know what I did to deserve this but apparently, I'll have to live with it for the rest of my life.

If you don't think it's bad then here's a visual. Imagine you're having the best time of your life. You saved enough money for retirement, have a loving girlfriend or boyfriend and a stable job. You think you had everything you ever ask for.

Then, you went to sleep. On the very next day, you find out your 'lover' was cheating on you and stole all the money in your bank overnight. You messed up some data from your job, getting yourself fired. To top it off, your house was on fire because you forgot to turn off the stove.

Yeah, that all happened to me. I never knew why I have much terrible luck, especially in Autumn. It had started ever since I was a baby up until now. I always find ways to injure myself despite being very cautious. It just happens all the time during Autumn.

That's why I don't exactly like it despite everyone else liking it. Furs even have the audacity to ask me and then make fun of me for being 'paranoid and ridiculous'. Well, it's not Autumn yet but in a few days, it will be. I already see the trees starting to turn a bit orange now.

You'd think I'd be just tired of this and not really care. Honestly, I'm still scared. What if I just die because my house burned down while I was asleep. Or getting into a car accident. Worse, I'll live on the streets and starve to death. I try not to think about it too much but with my type of luck, it's hard not to.

Right now, I'm making the most of my time working in this rundown office. I don't even like working here but I guess, beggars can't be choosers. It's not like I'll be working here any longer. I'm gonna somehow 'misplace an important document' and get fired for incompetence.

The truth is, I've always been the most organised fur you'll ever meet. You'd think I would have OCD but in reality, I like keeping everything neat and tidy so I can find them easier. I even keep backup documents and log emails everytime.

I like being prepared for the worst case scenarios. Sadly, this doesn't work during bad luck season. I'll just have to get my paycheck and resign immediately. Better to just rip the bandage off. I tapped away at the keyboard containing numbers that kept repeating itself.

Honestly, I hate looking at these numbers now. I just want it to be done now. When will my shift end. "Hey, Avery! What're you still doing here? Your shift ended about half an hour ago!", my boss said. Wait, what? I could have left half an hour ago?

"I'm gonna clock out now. Sorry", I say. "No need to apologise. We all get caught up in things all the time", he says. I quickly clocked out and head out from that place. The boss is nice but I'm not exactly taking the risk. I walked through the busy street, thinking.

That's when I realised, I don't have anything to cook at home. I didn't buy the groceries at all yesterday. "Fuck, I'm hungry", I mutter as I rubbed my stomach. I looked around, trying to see if there was any store I could go to. I did notice a cafe not far from where I was standing.

I look in my wallet and count my money. It's enough for food and drinks, at least. I head inside and wait in line. It took a few minutes before I could order. I order a flat white coffee and a grilled cheese sandwich. I say my name and they write it down on the cup.

I went to take a seat and just waited there. I stared at the counter where they made the coffee and food. I watched as the baristas quickly prepared the food and coffee. Nothing out of the ordinary. Well, that is until I saw a fur unlike the others.

I don't know why they were so different. Maybe it was because they looked muscular and tall. Maybe it was because they were a fox or their colour pattern. Somehow, he caught my interest immensely. He placed his order and sat down a few tables down.

I get up and grab my order when they call my name. I sat back down at my table and started eating. I sometimes feel like crying. Why did life have to turn this way? I just wanted to live a successful life with a loving girlfriend. I slowly ate my food and drank my coffee.

"Josiah!", the barista yelled out. Then, the fox from before stood up and grabs his food. He then left the shop. Why am I so interested in him? I can literally see anyone like him anywhere else. What makes him so unique to me?

Whatever! I quickly finished my meal and headed out. I walked through the winding streets, trying to find my way back home. It was getting dark and cold. I feel so lost honestly. I just needed to get back home. "Where the hell is the fu-", I say before bumping into someone.

"Whoops, sorry there, pal! Here! Let me help you up", they say. I rub the side of my head as I grab onto the hand in front of me. They hoist me up as I was still a bit dizzy from the fall. "I hope you're okay. I'm really sorry, though. I tend to get lost in thought", they say.

"No, no. It's fine. I should've wa-", I say before seeing who they were. It was the same fox from the cafe. "Erm, hello?", he says. I shake my head. "Oh, um, sorry. I should've watched where I was going. I'm heading home now", I say. I quickly walk passed him and practically ran back home.

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