Meeting Kiyoshi

Comincia dall'inizio

Class 1-C:......Eh?

Riku: Hold up...I'm not following...

Chassy: Yeah. I'm confused.

Hein: That makes three of us.

Kenji: The faculty we grew up in took us away from our families. We had no connection to the outside world so we and hundreds of other kids were experimented on.

Everyone besides Mikoto and Souta eyes went wide. The two boys stayed quiet because they already knew Kenji's side of the story.

Kiyoshi: Yeah...while we were experimented on. We both were injected with the same serum that allow our blood to merge. It not only transformed us into something that's akin to vampires like in the also made us blood brothers....

Maria: Awww, that's nice, nya!

Sylvia: Nice?! That's also terrible! They been experimented on throughout their childhood.

Kenji: But luckily we survived thanks to Vlad King.

Riku: Vlad King? Class 1-B's teacher?

Both vampires nodded before Kenji tuned to Kiyoshi.

Kenji: It's been awhile since we last saw each other. What you been up too?

Kiyoshi: Not much. I've been getting my life together just as you are. I heard from Vlad King that you decided to become a hero! That's awesome!

Jack: Yeah! It's awesome! I mean this class is already I interesting enough!

Destiny: Yep! The son of the Yuki-Onna! A Fire Princess! A vampire! A Vice Rep with a dual quirk whose also British! An wonderful artist girl! A ghost boy! And now, an Egyptian Prince! Class 1-C is certainly interesting class all throughout U.A this year!

Luna: And it's getting better and better.

Zoe: Or worst....

Luna: Stay positive~!

Zoe: It's going to get worst quickly.

Luna: Bruh.....

Kenji: But anyway...what are you doing here Kiyoshi?

Kiyoshi looks down at the floor...

Kiyoshi: I...haven't seen you in a while...I grew lonesome everyday just thinking about you and...I really wanted to see you again. I missed you.

Class 1-C: Awwwwwww.

Eito: Tsk...

Kenji: *Gives Eito an glare*

Kiyoshi: So I heard the Holidays are right around the corner and I thought that would be the perfect excuse to come see you and Vlad King.

He then looked at Class 1-C. His glasses flicker upon his face as they shine with a knowing look.

Kiyoshi: Hmmm...I see that everyone here is reclusively rekindle~! This sparks my interest.

Hein: Your interest.

Kiyoshi: I...was kind of hoping I get to know Class 1-C.

Mikoto: Really? Why us?

Kiyoshi: You guys don't know? Ever since you guys have beaten 1-A in Sports Festival. You all became really popular! A lot of people from the Press want to do interviews with you!

Mio: Hehe. We're celebrities now~!

Kelly: Wasn't it obvious?

Mio: I....guess?

Kiyoshi: Which is exactly why I'm so pumped to be here.

Kenji: Let me guess. You already decided what you want to be when you grow up?

Kiyoshi: Already did! I got my career already in order as a junior high journalist. Right now, my big mission is to get to know everyone here in Class 1-C. Their unique personalities, their quirks, everything for review.

Destiny: Wow! Really?!

Kiyoshi: Yes...I mean...You don't have to tell me everything about you. Just something to discuss about your adventures here at U.A.

Kenji: That's a pretty good goal. Great to see your getting your life together.

Kiyoshi: *Nods* Yep!

Luna: Oh! Before we do all that! Kiyoshi-kun! How about we get to know you more!

Kiyoshi: E-Eh? Me?!

Sylvia: Yes you!

Mio: I also want to get to know the brother of the vampire at U.A.

Kenji: *Rolls eyes* Blood Brother...

Destiny: Yeah yeah! That too! Same thing!

Kenji:'s not...

Hein: Anyway. Let's not try to surround Kiyoshi asking about himself. Let's just start with question after question-?!

Destiny interiors Hein as she raised her hand.

Destiny: Oh! Oh! Pick Me! I got one! Kiyoshi-kun! What's your quirk?!

Kiyoshi: Oh. My quirk...Well... It's something similar to Kenji's quirk. Except that I can fuse my blood and turn them into weapons. But I hardly use it though.

Class 1-C: Coooooool.

Mikoto: *Looks at Kenji* Can you do that?

Kenji: *Shook his head* No.

Akira: W-What middle school do you go to...?

Kiyoshi: Well that's-!

Luna: Do you got a girlfriend or a boyfriend?! Someone I can ship?!.

Kiyoshi: What?! No-?!

Jack: What kind of music do you listen to?

Kiyoshi: I...well...



Luna: You didn't need to shout.

Hein: *Glares*...We're getting behind schedule here. Stop bothering him with silly questions that could be personal!!!

Class 1-C: *Pouts*

Samuel: You're no fun, Hein-chan...

Kiyoshi:.....Your classmates are weird, Kenji Nii-sama.

Kenji: Yeah...They are. But you get used to them...


Fun Fact: Before I started this book, Kenji was originally Kiyoshi and a Vigilante. Right now, I'm not sure if the Kiyoshi now is a secret Vigilante but we'll see....

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