Chapter 29

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Millies POV
"He's coming to town tomorrow. I'm happy but I'm scared that he has changed. He stopped texting me, calling me. He completely ignored me! I feel like I've done something wrong to him and I'm nervous."
I blurted out quickly.
"It's ok Millie, he's probably just gotten busy."
Y/n said, trying to cheer me up.
"But he's never busy." I sobbed. I couldn't hide what I felt from anyone, but when I'm with y/n I feel like I can talk to her and actually trust her. I feel like we are best friends. It's only been a day of knowing eachother, but we are

Y/ns POV
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Taking it out I saw:
5 missed calls from mommy 🌹
20 messages from   mommy 🌹
I quickly called her back.
"Hey mom, what's up?"
"Y/n... I heard what happened to Georgia in the news. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine mom. All the crying's over with now. We have to stay strong."
"I know honey. I'm at home right now, where are you?"
"Oh- I um... need to tell you something."
"I was offered a part in stranger things!"
Loads of people in Starbucks turned and gasped, looking at me. I just ignored them.
"Oh is that the show Georgia is obsessed with?"
I heard sniffling on the other end of the phone.
"Mom? You ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine...
I'm happy for you y/n, you've always wanted to act, it's been your dream. I told you one day it would happen"
"I need to go mom. But remember everything will be fine. Stay strong. I love you!"
"Love you too..."

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