Chapter 13

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Noah's POV
She looked so nervous, I really wasn't sure why.
"Hey, y/n, it's going to be fine. I bet you $20 that the duffers will be impressed."
"You may as well give me the money now since I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw this up."
I rolled my eyes and got out of the car, her following behind me.
"Good luck." My mom said and she just nodded and shrugged awkwardly.
I ran inside the building and y/n was a hiding behind me.
"Where is the girl?" Matt asked.
I stepped to the shade so they could see y/n.
"Hi!" She said confidently. I was surprised because a minute ago she was so nervous.
"Okay, we should start with the acting then!" Ross said.
She nodded and already looked way more excited.
"So we are gonna give you two a script and you just have to read it out, obviously you have to act, so try using lots of emotion."
"Okay." She said back, again, confidently.
I think she will lose the bet.

Y/ns POV
"Here you go. You guys can have 5 minutes to practise then we want to see you" said Matt.
I took the script and grabbed Noah's  arm, pulling him to a section of the room where the brothers can't see us.

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