Chassy: Mikoto-kun....You don't have to go that far...

The boy gave the youngest student an confused look.

Mikoto: What are you talking about? My family is loaded. Me booking for all your money for the trip is like paying pocket change. My mother wouldn't mind. I already told her about what plans I had in store for the Holidays. I already invited Izuku along with his mother and some of his peer group in Class 1-A. I also invited Sora and Tomie along if they wanted to come over for the Holidays.

Hein: (I can't wait to see those two cuties....)

Destiny: Then I don't see why we should say no! I say we should go for it!

Mio: I wouldn't mind going on another vacation after Christmas.

Eito: Yeah! More time away from school!

Jack: We can even celebrate New Year's Together!

Kieran: I have never celebrated an Holiday in my country. What type of customs do you all do here?

Jack: Wait. Hold up. Do you know what Christmas is?

Kieran shook his head no.

Eito: What rock do you live under?

Kenji smacked him upside the head.

Riku: Let tell you something about that. Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). ...Christmas is now celebrated by people around the world, whether they are Christians or not to enjoy the Holidays together with friends and family.

Mikoto: Oh. A lot Kieran. For Christmas, we decorate our houses with fancy, put up Christmas Trees, sing Carols, drink Egg Nog, Presents, Etc.

Destiny: Oh yes! The presents!


Souta: Too loud.

Luna: Shut up!

Souta: No U.

Akira: P-Please don't fight...

Oka: *Dark* Yes. It's annoying.

Luna: *Scared* O-Okay...

Sylvia: But since it's Mikoto favorite time of the year. This might end up being a big party for Class 1-C.

Kieran: Hmmm...I see...Then I should participate in this Holiday. I very interested.

Jack: My Friend! You won't be disappointed. You're going to love it.

Kieran: *Smiles* Okay...

Luna: Also...I almost forget to ask...

She turned her head to Kenji and Eito with a smirk on her face.

Luna: When were you going to tell us you guys were dating?

Kenji: *Sighs*

Eito: Yep! We finally decided to put our differences aside and date~!

Luna: Finally.

Jack: Yeah! Like fucking finally!

Zoe: Congratulations.

Mio: What an wonderful masterpiece.

Mikoto gave Kenji an concern look.

Mikoto: So... You're giving him a chance...

Kenji: As long as he don't screw it up.

Eito: I won't! I promise!

Kenji: Hmmm...

Zoe: *Looks at Luna* Why are you crying?

Luna: I'm just glad...Because the ship has finally sailed!!!!

Kenji: *Groans*

Eito: 💞<( ̄︶ ̄)> 💞

Souta: *Looks ready to puke*

As the whole class continued to talk to each other about the Holidays, Present Mic showed up into the dorms and got everyone's attention.

Present Mic: Heeeeeey S'up! Little Listeners! How's your vacation from school coming along. Got any plans?

Mikoto: We got a whole lot? What about you Present Mic?

Haru: D-Do you got any plans sir?

Present Mic: Yep. Me and Aizawa are spending the Holidays together.

Mio: *Mumbles* Ship...Ship...Ship...

Present Mic: *Confused*???

Souta: Ignore her. So what are you here for? It looks like you have something to say?

Present Mic: Not much Little Listeners. Although Kyuketsu-kun.


Present Mic: Someone is here to see you.

Kenji: Eh....? Who would...?!

A young boy who had white hair whose red eyes that looked identical to Kenji's eyes appeared from behind Present Mic hidden underneath his circle-shaped glasses. Judging from his gakuran uniform. He looked like he was either middle school or Junior High.

Boy: H-Hello...Everyone...

Kenji's eyes went wide. He recognized that voice anywhere. How long has it been...he never thought he would end up meeting him again.

Kenji: K-Kiyoshi?!

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt