The Mistake

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When Evan opened the door to find Casey and Izzie almost kissing he stopped in place and just watched as Casey looked at him and jumped back from Izzie who asks whats wrong and turns to see Evan standing at the door too. Evan turns around and starts walking down the stairs as Casey chases after him and leaves Izzie sitting in the room confused because she's unsure on what just happened with her and Casey but decides that she's not going to bring it up ever. While Casey is trying to slow down Evan to tell him that she has no idea what just happened but he wouldn't stop until he reached his car and says "I'm giving us one more chance because I love you don't ruin it because i know you love me too so I'm gonna try and fix this" Casey just nods as to say ok we can fix this but really inside she's thinking about what would have happened if Evan didn't walk in and ruin the moment. As Casey walks back up to her room Izzie is still just sitting there thinking why did Evan have to walk in and why did I almost kiss a girl because now she's questioning who she is like does she like girls and guys or is it just girls or does she only like Casey and she was wondering if Casey felt the same way as her but when Casey walked into the room she got embarrassed for no reason and asked what happened with Evan like are they still together or did they break up and Casey explains what Evan said to her and Izzie pretends to not care that they didn't break up and left later that night but when she got home she ran up to her room and burst into tears thinking why did I have to fall for my best friend who has a boyfriend and does Casey not even like me the way I like her and that made her cry even more because the thought of losing someone she loves makes her want to kill herself but she didn't because she knows that Casey doesn't want to lose her either. That same night Casey was doing the exact same thing as Izzie she was in tears thinking what if Izzie doesn't like me the way I like her or what if Evan finds out I like Izzie and why she had the desire to kiss Izzie but she knew that if she wanted to fix her relationship with Evan she has to push those feelings about Izzie deep deep down so they never come up ever again.
Also that night when Evan drove home he was thinking out of all the things he has done what he did wrong for Casey to almost kiss another person what made it worse was that he felt like it was his fault that Casey almost kissed her best friend because that same day he told Casey not to be friends with Izzie anymore and he thought what would have happened if he didn't walk in Casey's room when he did.

What will happen next will Casey keep her feelings deep down inside of her or will they come bursting out and have a lot of consequences.

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