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On the way to practice Casey got a message from Izzie saying "please walk me to practice I don't feel safe" so Casey ran to Izzies class and they walked to practice together. Half way through track training Casey see Evan in the stands watching her train and Izzie notices right away and says "is that your boyfriend" and Casey replies with "yea it is". After training Evan walks down to hug Casey and see's Izzie and says "who is that girl" Casey says "oh that's my best friend Izzie do you want to meet her" Evan screws his face up at hearing that and Casey gets mad saying "why do you just screw your face up at her" and Evan say "because of the rumor going around about her have you not heard them" Casey looks at him confused "what rumors" she says Evan looks at her and says "the ones about how she came here from juvie and how she killed someone" when he stopped talking Izzie came over and asked "Casey what's wrong" because Casey looked so pissed off then out of nowhere Casey turns around and says "nothing's wrong I walk you home in five minutes" as Izzie walked away Evan says "I don't think you should be her friend anymore" Casey thought that was a joke but he was serious which made Casey even more mad because for some reason she never wanted to lose her so she told Evan that he can go fuck himself because Izzie is her best friend and ran over to Izzie and told her what had just happened and Izzie was pissed to because she knows who started that rumor it was Maia the popular girl. The next day Izzie had a plan to confront Maia and sort things out but when she walked up to Maia and told her she needs to tell everyone that it was a joke she said no and instead wanted to fight but Izzie didn't want to fight so lucky for her that Casey followed her knowing something was up and saw that Maia was going to fight her she walked up to Maia and tapped on her shoulder and says you messed with the wrong girl and punches her right in the face and breaks her nose Izzie stood right in front of Maia crying on the floor and runs over to Casey and hugs her so tight that Casey couldn't breathe but she whispers "thank you so much I love you" and Casey was so happy that she forgot she just broke someone's nose. The principal suspended Casey for three days so she had to go home later that night after school Izzie came over to see how Casey was and to thank her again for saving her from that fight when Casey heard Izzies voice from down stairs a giant smile appeared on her face and she started blushing when Izzie opened her door and ran to hug her and said we need to forehead promise to be best friends forever as their foreheads touched a force of desire was pulling them closer and closer and just before they got to close Evan comes bursting through the door.

What will happen next will Izzie and Casey get caught or will they get away with almost kissing or will Evan storm out and break up with Casey or will he be a dumbass and think nothing was going on.

Cazzie Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon