Chapter 7: Christmas Suprise

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Some students were singing carols as Dumbledore waved his wand aimlessly, causing frost to grow from the high walls. Her eyes landed on Tom. Emily sprinted to the front table and smiled happily as she saw him eating.

"Hello, Tom! It's Christmas Eve!"

He looked up, smirking,"Where have you been all morning?"

She ate her freshly cooked lamb chop and kicked her legs under the table, "Just sleeping. Eating. Yeah, nothing interesting," she covered the excitement determined to rise in her throat.

"Let's go to the library after this," he suggested.

Emily clicked her tongue, "Let's go somewhere else - how about outside! We'll play snow!And run around," she clapped her small hands together.

He can't help but smile a little at her cuteness. "Fine. But eat first," he nudged her spoon.

"Yes, Tom!" she saluted him playfully and practically swallow the chewy meat.

Emily dust off the snow on her cloak and hung it near the wardrobe. What fun they had just now! He made her rolled down the hill and had to fetch her before she became a ginormous snowball. Emily laughed at herself for being so ridiculous.

She curled herself up near the fireplace where it was empty and quiet, not a single sound except for the fire crackling and the wind swooshing through the windows.

Picking up her quill, she dipped it inside the jar of black ink and wrote the remaining part of her essay.

She stared out at the window. It was approximately nine at night. How long did they actually played just now? By the time they were back, it was dinner and how mouth watering the food were!

Emily pulled on her anchor woolen socks on and wore an extra carmine sweater on her nightgown. She slept soundly and the hours drift by slowly, until there was a pecking sound on the window.

It wasn't loud at first, but the owl screeched and fluttered its wings. Emily squinted her eyes and sighed in relief as she saw it was only her owl that reminded her to wake up this hour.

She took a little tin can, screw it open, and gave it a little treats of walnuts.

"Thanks for waking me up, I almost forgot that I had things to do at four in the morning," she laughed to herself and hovered the presents using her wand.

Pliny perched on her shoulder and snapped its beak shut. It watched her move as silent as a cat, and Emily crept outside, careful not to drop the rather large present wrapped with lilac purple paper.

She could feel the wind getting right into her face as she passed the corridor and went straight down to the dungeons. The only light provided was almost fading, so she had to stumbled carefully in the darkness. Emily almost mistook a statue as one of the professors.

"I can't see," she whispered quietly to her owl. He seem to understand her and flew in the direction quickly and Emily had to keep up, which was rather hard carrying presents and walking quietly at the same time.

Oh, where did Pliny went? He flew too fast! She rubbed her eyes and touched the bare stone wall. It wasn't that rough.. She gasped a little and realised Emily was just in front of the slytherin dormitory.

She whispered the password and the stone made a groaning sound against the hard, cold floor. Inside was nicely decorated, with black glass tables and nice leather sofas. The air in here was much colder than the rest of the houses and Emily shivered a little and gripped onto her sweater tightly.

Where in the world is the boys dormitory? She ran up the spiral staircase and prayed that no one except Tom was inside, and she opened the door carefully.

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