Chapter 25:One Week

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Callum and Rayla didn't say a word, they just sat there trying to wrap their heads around the situation at hand.  The Vet set up a clean stall in the barn for them, since Ellis couldn't take them home, much to Callum's and Rayla's disappointment,  and the Vet couldn't bring them to his home due to running the risk of his family finding them.  But the Vet gave them his word that he would not speak anything of his guest.

It was late, all the lights were out in the town as the nocturnal animals were just rising.  Callum heard the hoot of an owl, catching his attention and bringing him out of his thoughts, thoughts that were all over the place yet.  Callum looked over at Rayla as she is laying down in silence, looking at her stomach with a soft smile watching her hand rub circles around her belly button. 

The sight made Callum's heart flutter with warmth and love.  "We need to keep moving, maybe we could reach Katolis before the baby is born." Callum said softly breaking the silence.  The young mage laid down next to his lover and put his hand gently over her stomach as if one touch could hurt the baby.  Rayla stayed quiet for a few moments coming up with what she would say, but still continued to rub her belly.  "Hmm, yes I agree, but what about my father, Chichi, and Zane?  And the path we took before could get us back in time but it's a very hard and harsh trail, I don't know if the baby will allow me to make that trek.  Especially since she has such a rapid growth, I want to be careful with her,  what you said before about me being more careful, you were right I have to start thinking more of the baby rather than my dignity and pride."  Rayla replied, now looking at Callum. 

"I was just thinking about that actually, and maybe we could ask Ellis to tag along, Ava could help you when you find it hard to continue and need a rest.  As for the others, we could have them meet us there, I can send a message to Sultan telling him how to get there and everything." Callum explained.  "And how are you going to send a message?" Rayla countered back.

Callum paused for a moment thinking about the plan for a minute before it hit him.  "There are messenger birds in the city, I can use them to send the message, maybe the Vet has one or two." Callum said proud that he thought up this 'brilliant' plan.

"I suppose it could work, not bad for a big dumb human." Rayla teased as she snuggled closer to Callum their faces now inches apart.  Both had one emotion in their eyes, love, they leaned in and pressed their lips together softly and slowly, wanting to enjoy this moment alone.  When they finally broke apart they opened their eyes, and communicated through their eyes rather than words.  Placing their heads so that their foreheads were touching, the young teen aged couple began to drift off to sleep.

But Rayla was fully awoken to the baby kicking her tummy, Rayla slowly sitting up and giggled at her little troublemaker.  "Heh, you are not one to settle down very easily are you?" she said to her child within her womb.  She look to her left Callum begin to stir awake due to the absence of her body next to his.

"The baby is kicking up a storm in there, heh, when she gets here I think we may have trouble putting her to bed." Rayla said to a now awake Callum looking up at her.  "You know I remember my mom once told me that she used to sing to me when I was still in her belly, to make me stop kicking, and let her sleep.  Maybe you should try it." Callum suggested.

"Really?  My mother used to sing to me all the time, even after I was born.  She always had this warm and soft voice, reassuring me that I was always safe in her arms." Rayla said as she lifting her head to look out the skylight and up at the stars, her eyes fixed on a distant memory.  "Do you remember any of them?" Callum asked sitting up.

"Yes, all of them, but my favorite one was when she sang the lullaby 'All is Found'" Rayla said looking back down to Callum.  Callum's face went from calm to surprised in an instant, Rayla noticing this then asked "What? What's wrong?".  "Oh, nothing, it's just that's the song my mom used to sing to me, crazy coincidence huh?"  Callum said slightly nudging Rayla.

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