An Introduction

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Dear Friend,

It's been many years since we spoke last, but you might remember what happened with Ian Chael and his wife, Summer. If you do not remember, do not fret. I remember everything that happens in Corwick. That's my job, you see. To document the events in this small Pennsylvania town.

When Sal Ruggero bludgeoned his wife to death in a fit of methamphetamine rage, I was there. When Daryl Rooks sold his girlfriend to a human trafficker for drug money, I was there. When little Shelly Cade went missing from Bakersfield Park, I was there. I know all the gruesome details, and it's my job to write them all down.

This story starts in Centralia, where my knowledge of the events that passed are merely secondhand— but I will tell it as best as I can, so that you might better understand the circumstances that led to the eventual demise and downfall of Ian.

As Archivist it's my job to share these tales with you, so be patient while I start from the very beginning.

From The Desk Of The Archivist. A

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