Chapter 4

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I texted Jin last night, though, it was late.

The twins were screaming about whos plushy was who's, even though we have two of each to avoid this scenario.

Tae was crying because Jimin took his elephant, or as he called it his phant, and Jimin was sobbing saying that he didn't take it.

The two toddlers crying didn't help me with the baby.

JungKook was squirming around in my grip and trying to get down on the floor to crawl around.

I ended up raising my voice at them, causing everyone to go quiet.

Tae froze and looked up at me with big, watery eyes, trying not to cry anymore, but failing miserably when he started crying quietly again.

Jimin looked down at his small feet, shrinking in size and hugging his knees, once again crying.

He hated when I raised my voice. All of them did, but Jimin hated it the most. Even if it wasn't directed at him, he still would cry.

JungKook just froze for a second before hugged my neck and laying his head in the crook of my neck.

I could tell they were all tired. I was too. When JungKook got tired he would be super whiny and fidgety and sometimes even cry.

He never cried, but if he was exhausted, he would.

Taehyung would fight his tiredness and act up, either being in a silly way or a naughty way.

Tonight, he chose naughty.


Jimin was my easy one.

He always has been.

He would gladly go down for naps and bedtime, but he did occasionally throw minor tantrums.

While comforting a pair of crying twins, the youngest fell asleep on my shoulder, snoring softly.

I put the twins to bed, Tae in Jimin's bed after a short conversation about how he needed to protect his Minie and how he would cuddle him till he felt better.

I loved their relationship.

I hope it stays this sweet and innocent forever.

I laid JungKook down in his bed and went to my room.

I checked the time to see it was almost 12 so I decided I would text Jin in the morning.

Well that didn't happen, as I couldn't sleep, so I texted him. I knew he wouldn't respond, so I got comfortable and soon fell asleep.

I was woken up by the sound of JungKooks fake cries and a loud thud.

I jumped up and ran to the nursery to see JungKook on his back, on the floor and his stuffed bunny clutched in one of his tiny, but strong, fists.

His eyes filled with tears as his blue bunny pacifier dropped down beside him.

I rushed over and picked up the baby before he had a chance to cry and quickly gave him his paci back.

Luckily, I was quick and he didn't cry, only a few single tears slipped and I'm assuming from the pain of him landing on his back.

Well, at least now he shouldn't do it again.

Maybe he finally learned a lesson?

I honestly doubt it but I can always hope.

I went to the twins room and saw them already awake, sitting on the floor playing together.

I'm so glad they get along well.

I can't imagine their teenage years.

I don't even want to try.

"Come downstairs boys" I quickly said before leaving their room.

Jimin would want to be held since he just woke up, but I didn't want to hold a tired toddler and a slightly whiny infant.

So I hurried out and made my way to the kitchen. I buckled Kookie into his high chair and got down two plastic bowls.

I took out the milk and cereal just as Tae and Jimin entered the kitchen.

Tae ran to his seat next to Kookie and played with baby while, as expected, Jimin grabbed onto my leg and clung to it like a koala.

He wanted to be held, but I had to get breakfast ready.

I can't cook so I always heated up something like waffles or made them cereal.

They would have to learn to cook for themselves at a young age because heaven knows I would give them food poisoning.

After I made them their cereal and grabbed JungKook some baby food, I walked over to the table, Jimin still on my leg.

I gave Tae his bowl and sat on the other side of JungKook to feed him, while picking up Jimin and setting him on my lap.

JungKook wouldn't take his eyes off of Taes food the whole breakfast.

He would reach and grab for it numerous times and wouldn't eat his own food.

I basically had to wait until Taehyung was done to feed the baby, but hate when he noticed Jimin eating.

Once again, he tried to grab the food from his Hyung.

Jimin whined and I sat him in his own chair while I feed the baby.

Most of the food ended up on his face, his belly and all over his high chair.

I sighed and cleaned him up with wet wipes before taking him out and putting the dishes in the sink.

"Bath time!" I looked at the twins, who had two completely different reactions.

Tae, who was showing his adorable boxy smile and clapping loudly and Jimin, who frown and sank down in his seat.

The poor kid hated water.

JungKook was too young to actually understand what I meant, but he loves baths.

He likes to splash around with Tae and the two of them try to splash Minie.

That's why they now bathe separately. Tae and Kookie together, sometimes, and Jimin would take his bath alone.

Tae ran upstairs, followed by a slow and upset looking Jimin.

I went to their rooms and grabbed a change of play clothes before going to the bathroom.

I ran the water and placed JungKook and Tae in the bath once it was full.

The two splashed and threw bath toys at each other while giggles and squeals escaped their mouths.

I could only smile as I washed them.

By how much energy they had this morning, I could tell today was gonna be one hell of a day.

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