chapter 15 faking a relationship

Start from the beginning

I don't know why, I don't bite..... much
It just means I really like you...

I finally got dress and on queue I see y/n calling.

Y/n: you ready?

Sarah: mmm give me a minute.

Y/n: alright I'm out front.

Call ends

I was already fully done but was kinda using it to by few more minutes to just get ready mentally.

I finally walk out side me see him I move my hair out my face and smile.

Sarah: hey.

Y/n pov:

I look up from my phone to see Sarah.

Y/n: *smiles* do you aways look this good? Or is it just for me?

Sarah: smooth.

Y/n: I try. Come on let's go

I open the door for her then slid across the hood but fell

Y/n: ow.

Sarah: nice, 10/10

Y/n: I nailed it.

I started to drive off

Sarah: yeah you got nailed alright.

Y/n: I'll nail you!

Sarah blushed but shook it off

Sarah: you wish.

Y/n: so what you wanna do.

Sarah: I don't know shouldn't you have this figured out already.

Y/n: honestly didn't think I get this far.

Sarah rolled her eyes

Y/n: alright let be generic and go-to a movie then.

Sarah: sure, Sounds fun.

Y/n: oh, grab my wallet real quick

She does it

Y/n: take $300 out.

Sarah: okay what for?

Y/n: your cut.

Sarah: cut of what?

Y/n: remember the whole paint ball ordeal? Well it was just for fun

But this guy made a bet with me for 600 that I couldn't get the most elimation, make a comeback and win the match.

So yeah guess you can tell I won that bet. And couldn't done it with out you.

Sarah: why didn't you tell me during?

Y/n: didn't want it to distract you.

Sarah: well thanks I guess?

Y/n: hey you did half the work too.
We should definitely play again it was really fun.

Sarah: it was I won't lie about that.

Time skip movie and such

After the movie it was a bit later and the arcade opens up around this time
Were it has completion and other things.

Y/n: yo, we should goto the arcade now.

Sarah: really now?

Y/n: yeah come on. I know your good at videogames so what's the problem?

Sarah: alright you got me lead the way.

We drove to a arcade, and there was a couple's competition and obviously I wanted to win it.

Y/n: well what do you say?

Sarah: y/n it says couple's only.

Y/n: so?

Sarah: which means-

I cut her off and pull her to my side.

Y/n: well come on be my girl for today then? We can win

Sarah thought about it for a bit.

Sarah: I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Y/n: yes! Let's go then!
I pulled her along to get ready for it

Sarah pov:

Enough though it's not real I can't help feel like it is all I could do was smile. As he held my hand. People we're also talking about us. Saying how we looked cute together, and that they're happy for us being "together"
Kinda wish it was real.

Timeskip end of the tournament

Sarah's pov:

Y/ns character got knocked out so it was up to me the other two were still up but one had basically nothing and other had half but I was also in the red.

Y/n: come on babe you got this.

I thought wow he's really selling this well isn't he. I shake all my thoughts and focused up. I was caught in a combo but the other guy dropped it

He called in a assist sending in his partner but they both got caught by me cause him to get knocked out and got him into a corner and continued to juggle him into a death combo wining. Y/n was really happy. Which made me happy.

Y/n: yes!

I though it was over and we just go home but I was wrong.

Judge's: nice job you two you've won, now one thing though we like to make sure everyone had a fair chance. So we want you two to prove your a couple

My heart dropped, what exactly were we suppose to do. But didn't really have to think much because when I looked to y/n he pulled me into a kiss

I was in my mind freaking out, I didn't try to stop him I eased into it.
It felt so real. I wrapped my arms and tail around him. We should have probably stopped a while ago but we didn't he also didn't try to stop it ND neither did I. The judge's had to.

Judge: woah, okay okay keep it pg proven well enough.

I was a blush in mess y/n held my hand and then winked at me. They then gave us both a crown showing we won as well as 2 50$ dollar gift cards and a wrists bands so we can come here for free.

Y/n drove me home and we both were at my door step

Sarah: y/n? Bout what happened over there.

Y/n: uh sorry kinda just tried to make it conveniencing.

Sarah: it was conveniencing for sure, but you didn't stop or even. Try to why?

He then blushed and stuttered

Y/n: i-i uh, honestly I just didn't want to. Besides it wasn't just me you didn't neither.

Sarah: I guess your right. Well bye y/n.

I smiled at him

Y/n: see ya Sarah, happy holidays.
Thanksgiving is around the corner have a good one.

Y/n walked off and I have him a smile but thing is I didn't really have anyone or anything planned for it just like always.

Y/n pov:

I probably should have pulled away. But I kinda enjoyed it. I realized thanks giving is soon but also realized everyone would be away during. Ah I'll survive this I've gotten this far after all. Plus they'll be back soon.

That's the tie in for the Thanksgiving special so it is now cannon.  So if you haven't read it read it after this. Let me know what ya think.

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