Chapter 2

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Today was my first day of school in Derry and I was so tired I couldn't even function. My hands were shaky and my eyelids drooped anytime I sat to still. I got ready quickly, brushing my hair and teeth and throwing on the first outfit I could find before rushing out the door.

Father gave me a ride on his way to the office, letting me out at the schools front doors. There were many students sitting in the grass and on the steps waiting for the first bell to ring. It was strange not wearing a uniform, not looking the same as everyone else, but I liked it.

I made my way to the schools office as father had instructed. Pushing my way past the door and making my way over to the receptionists desk. "Do you need something?" She questioned, a scowl plaster across her wrinkled face. "Uhm, I'm new. I need to pick up my schedule, ma'am" I replied, picking at my fingers nervously as I spoke. She gave me a dirty look before turning to her computer. "You got a name?"she snapped, smacking her gum loudly. "Poppy Moore" I hurried, wanting this unpleasant interaction to be over as soon as possible.

She pulled her glasses to the bridge of her nose and began typing, her long finger nails clicking loudly against the keyboard as she went. Turning in her chair she yanked a piece of paper from the copy machine. "There you are. Now head on to class young lady" She said hastily before shooing me away. I smiled at her as I walked out of the office doors, smoothing out my slightly crumpled schedule to see that my first class was English. I had 10 minutes before the bell rang so I decided to find my locker. 213, 214, here we go, locker 215. I had to try 3 times before I got it open.

Just as soon as I got it open, it was slammed back shut, just barely missing my face. The force from the door making my hair fly back as I gasped. "Your in my way" a low voice spoke from behind me, so close that it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I turned around to see a tall dark haired boy, his long arm outstretched to block my way incase I tried to leave. His large hand resting against the metal compartments. My eyebrows knit together in confusion as I looked up at the boy who had so rudely almost broken my nose.

"Are you fucking deaf?" he growled, taking a harsh grip on my forearm. I froze not knowing what to do, wondering if I should scream. "I'm sorry, I can move" I rushed, trying to pull away from his rough touch. He paused, a strange smirk suddenly coming over his face as he pulled me closer. I put my hand out, pushing against his chest. "Come on, Hockstetter" a blonde boy yelled from down the hall, shooting his friend an agitated glare. It was clear that they were planning on skipping, the bigger boy behind him dangling his car keys in his hand. The dark haired boy licked his lips looking me up and down once more before he stalked off down the corridor.

I sighed, relieved that nothing worse happened and scurried off to find my class, hoping to meet no one else along the way.

My morning classes after the incident went fine, I spent most of the time doodling or looking out the window. Most of the teachers where boring and showed power points for 45 minutes while they droned on in a monotoned voice. I was surprised I was able to stay awake during the torture but I managed somehow.

I jumped a bit in my desk as 5th bell rang, meaning lunch. I thought about just going to the library to avoid sitting by myself but I was hungry so I decided against it. I smiled at the lunch lady as I made my way through the line. She threw a saran wrapped sandwich, an apple, and a bag of crisps on my tray before waving me away. 

Turning around I kept my head down as I walked to the nearest empty table to eat my lunch, praying that I didn't draw any attention to myself. I slowly began unwrapping my sandwich, the sound of the plastic wrap making me cringe. The table shifted making me look up to see the 4 boys from this morning sitting around me with there lunch trays, one of them being the boy who slammed my locker shut in my face. I rolled my eyes, he was probably only here to torment me.

I kept my head down once again. The boy who I had already encountered sat right next to me, so close that our legs touched. Jesus, could he get any creepier? "So what's your name anyway? I heard your Australian or some shit" the bigger boy asked taking a massive bite out of his apple with a loud crunch. "I'm British" I replied, nervously pushing stray hairs behind my ear. "Same shit" he replied with a laugh. "I'm Poppy. And you are?" I asked him. "Belch" he replied with a loud burp, I scrunched my face in disgust.

"I'm Henry" the blond one with a mullet smirked, resting his elbow on the table as he winked at me. I smiled at him and nodded "that's victor" he continued nodding to the smaller blonde boy. "And Patrick" he finished, gesturing to the boy who was invading my space bubble.

Victor didn't look up as he rushed to finish what looked like homework that I presume he forgot about the night before. He flicked his hand up at me as if to wave before going back to his rushed writing. I could feel Patrick's eyes burning a hole through my soul, but I refused to look up. He hadn't brought food to the table. "Your not hungry?" I asked him picking up half my sandwich and offering it to him. I didn't know how to approach him, I was terrified that he might attack at any moment like a rabid dog. He leaned down and grabbed my wrist causing me to panic.

Bringing my hand up to his mouth, he took a large bite out of the sandwich that I held before letting go of me and  turning back to his friends. I set the half eaten sandwich back down on my tray in shock. Suddenly I felt a large hand meet the back of my neck, a chill from metal rings adorning the long fingers shot down my back making me shiver. "Your gonna ride with us after school" Patrick whispered, low to my ear so only I could hear him. "O-ok" I replied a bit taken back by his orders, but much to scared to refuse. "Meet me at the front of the school. 3:00" his voice making it clear that it was an order. I felt his lips touch the shell of my ear as he spoke. Butterfly's exploded in my stomach and I had to suppress a squeak as I struggled to calm my racking heartbeat.

What was I getting myself into?

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