The Rebel Flesh pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Well, I know that she's afraid and she needs our help" Rory replies.

"Jimmy, Buzzer. Come on, you guys. We've worked together for two years" G-Jennifer says.

"I worked with Jennifer Lucas, not you," Buzzer says.

"Ok, let's not do anything at all..."

"Until the Doctor and Alex get here,"  "hello," the Doctor says, him and I still have no shoes, the Gangers look fully human.

"This is..." Jimmy trails off.

"You're telling me" G-Jimmy replies.

"All right, Doctor, Seer, you've brought us together. Now what?" G-Cleaves asks.

"Before we do anything, I have one very important question. Has anybody got two pairs of shoes we could borrow? Size ten. Although I should warn you, I have very wide feet" the Doctor says.

*Time skip*

The Doctor and I have acquired boots.

"The Flesh was never merely moss. These are not copies. The storm has hardwired them. They are becoming people" the Doctor says.

"With souls?" Jimmy asks.

"Rubbish!" Dicken sneezes.

"Bless you. We were all jelly once. Little jelly eggs sitting in goop" I say.

"Yeah, thanks. Too much information" Amy replies.

"We are not talking about an accident that needs to be mopped up. We are talking about sacred life. Do you understand?" the Doctor asks, everyone nods.

"Good. Now, the TARDIS is trapped in an acid pool. Once we can reach her, we can get you all off this island, humans and Gangers, eh? How does that sound?" I ask.

"Can I make it home for Adam's birthday?" Jimmy asks.

"What about me? He's my son too" G-Jimmy says.

"You? You really think that?"

"I feel it."

"Oh, so you were there when he was born, were you?"

"Yeah. I drank about eight pints of tea, then they told me I had a wee boy and I just burst out laughing. No idea why. I miss home, as much as you."

"Look, I'm not going to lie to you. It's a right old mess, this. But as you might say up North, oh well, I'll just go to't foot of stairs. Eee by by gum. Or not. Good. Right. First step is we get everyone together, then get everyone safe. Then, get everyone out of here" the Doctor says.

"But we're still missing Jennifer and Cleaves," Amy says.

"I'll go and look for them," Jimmy says.

"I'll give you a hand if you like. Cover more ground" G-Jimmy suggests.

"Yeah, ok. Thanks."

"This circus has gone on long enough," Cleaves says walking into the room.

"Oh, great. You see, that is just so typically me" G-Cleaves says.

"Doctor, tell it to shut up!" Cleaves says.

"Please, no. No, no" the Doctor says.

"Circuit probe. Fires about ooo, forty thousand volts? Would kill any one of us, so I guess she'll work on Gangers just the same" Cleaves says.

"It's interesting you refer to them as it, but you call a glorified cattle prod a she" I say.

"When the real people are safely off this island, then I'll happily talk philosophy over a pint with you, Seer," Cleaves says.

"What are you going to do to them?" Amy asks.

"Sorry. They're monsters. Mistakes. They have to be destroyed."

"Give me the probe, Cleaves," the Doctor says.

"We always have to take charge, don't we, Miranda. Even when we don't really know what the hell is going on" G-Cleaves says, Ganger Buzzer tries to rush her. Cleaves zaps him.

"Argh! He's dead!" the Doctor shouts.

"We call it decommissioned," Cleaves says.

"You stopped his heart. He had a heart. Aorta, valves, a real human heart. And you stopped it" the Doctor says.

"Jen?" Rory asks.

"What happened to Buzzer will happen to all of us if we trust you," G-Jennifer says.

"Wait, wait, just wait" I say.

"No!" Rory jumps Cleaves and disconnects the power from the probe.

The Gangers run away.

"Wait! Look at what you have done, Cleaves" I say.

"If it's war, then it's war. You don't get it, Seer. How can you? It's us and them now. Us and them."

"Us and them," Dicken says.

"Us and them" Jimmy sighs.

*Time skip*

Jennifer hobbles into the flesh room. The lips now have a body.

"Trust me" Jennifer runs.

*Time skip*

"Look, I just wanted to help her," Rory says.

"Well, we all do, ok?" Amy replies.

"Don't be like that. Listen, she's..."

"I said I agree with you. Drop it."

"The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery? Cleaves! The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery?" the Doctor asks.

"The chapel."

"Thank you."

"Only one-way in. Stone walls two feet thick."

"You've crossed one hell of a line, Cleaves. You've killed one of them. They're coming back, in a big way" I say.

*Time skip*

"What about the flares?" Jimmy asks.

"We'll worry about the flares when we're locked inside. Rory Pond" the Doctor says, there is a scream.

"Rory, come on," Amy says.

"Jen's out there. She's out there and she's on her own" Rory says.

"Well, if she's got any sense, then she's hiding. Rory!" I say.

"I can't leave her out there!" Rory replies.

"Rory..." I mutter.

"I know you understand that."

"Get in here. Get in here!" Amy shouts the Gangers approach. Rory ducks down a side corridor.

"There they are," G-Cleaves says.

"Amy," the Doctor says.

"Rory!" Amy shouts.

"Amy, Amy, they are not after him, they're after us," the Doctor says.

"Why? Why?"

"Show yourself. Show yourself!" the Doctor shouts.

"Doctor!" Amy says.

"Pass me the barrel," Cleaves says.

"We need something heavy. Anything you can find" Dicken says, they barricade the door.

"This is insane. We're fighting ourselves" Jimmy says.

"Yes. Yes, it's insane, and it's about to get even more insanerer. Is that a word? Show yourself, right now!" the Doctor shouts.

"Alex, Doctor, we are trapped in here and Rory's out there with them. Hello? We can't get to the TARDIS and we can't even leave the island."

"Correct in every respect, Pond. It's frightening, unexpected, frankly a total, utter splattering mess on the carpet, but I am certain, one hundred percent certain, that we can work this out. Trust me. I'm the Seer" the Doctor and I stare at the G-Alex in front of us, I gasp.

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