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I walked away from that situation although I feel like a terrible person for letting him get away with it. How much money has he stolen in the past from trusting customers? But at the same time I don’t want to put myself in danger right before my test. After my test, when I’m rich, I’ll donate so much money to charity that it won’t matter. I’m just going to get into my car and drive away, but I’ll remember this gas station.


    Emily’s plastic bag ripped open, and the soda and chips that she had bought fell onto the ground, the soda becoming shaken and unopenable. Emily stomped her foot on the ground, picked everything up, and got on her way. She drove about twelve miles before she started to notice that the car was slowing down. 

    “This doesn’t make sense, the odometer says that we should be going forty-five, but were only going twenty. . . Wait the car is coming to a complete stop now. Oh god, now what.” I pull over to the side of the road and look back at the odometer. Just as I thought, the gas light is on. At least I have extra fuel ( thanks mom) sitting in the truck bed. I hop out and walk along the road to the back of the truck. I parked behind a big puddle, so it must have rained at some point. I grab the container of extra fuel and begin to fill the fuel tank. I hear a car coming down the road, and the next thing I know, my whole back side feels wet and warm. I turn around and the horror of my back comes into view. 

“What the hell!” That car must have drove through the big puddle. 

“Goddammit. Now I have to find somewhere to change, and I don’t want to get the truck dirty.” after I finish filling the tank I go to my luggage and grab a towel to try and wipe off some of the mud. I still have mood all over me, but now it is drying and becoming harder to clean. I give up.

    She was becoming worn for the day, and decided to finally drive straight ahead to the hotel that her parents had thankfully booked for her the night before. She made it there with no more problems, and was more than grateful to be off the road. But as she got to the clerk, and she said her reservation name, the clerk all but stared at her before breaking the rotten news to her. She had no reservation, either because she didn’t make one, or they lost it ( it was the latter). She now had nowhere to slump for the night, and was reduced to sleeping in her truck. If you didn’t know better, you could say the seat was homicidal as she tossed and turned until her back felt murdered. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t sleep, and eventually she gave up trying. She sat alone in the dark, pondering about the hematic crazed world that she lives in.

I wonder if my blood will stay white forever. What will be my status ending misdeed, and will it be worth it? Maybe it’ll be to save a loved one; that’s what most people end up doing, or will it be something petty and selfish. I can never know when that first evil will grace my skin, course through my blood, and imbed in my soul. 

She decided that wallowing in her own thoughts was not helping her one bit, and to keep driving was the best option. She drove in the dark, her hyper beams shining, her vision hazy. Although she kept driving, it wasn’t distracting enough to keep a surplus of negative thoughts away, and Emily began drifting back to that horrible mindset. She stayed there for too long of a time.

L'appel du vide, or “call of the void” is a french saying that can often describe a quick thought of destruction, that quick second on the bridge where you want to jump, or the moment in the kitchen where you could let that knife slip. This may seem uncommon, but it happens more than you think, and not everyone can resist the temptation to jump. 

    “It all happened in a quick second. I was driving down this dark road, surrounded by nothing but forest and then all of a sudden a man appeared.” 

“ And you agree that this man was Howard Steel, Emily Beneli?”

“Yes.” Emily sat in questioning, the jury taking notes, the judge taking order.


“He was trying to walk across. I swear I didn’t want to hit him, I didn’t mean too. It was an accident!” Emily began to sob, forced to face her crime. Her blood will show her true colors, but first she must answer any questions Howards lawyer asks. 

“ So Emily, you say that you were on your way to the HemaCorp. Testing facility. Is that right?”

“Yes.” nothing more was said or shown from Emily, no remorse, no happiness. She was completely content with her answers.

“You live very far away from that, about a hundred miles, is that correct?”

“Yes.” Emily stayed silent in between questions.

“It must have been a very long drive, you didn’t think to take a break, maybe rest, before you continue driving.” answers were waited for. 

“ I had booked a hotel, but the reservation was lost, and I had to sleep in my truck instead, but it was just so uncomfortable, I couldn’t do it. I thought that it would be better to just keep driving. I never expected this to happen.” Emily keeps a straight face, but her hands shake, hidden underneath the table.

“We have footage of the road at the time of the crash. Anything you would like to tell us before we show this to the jury?”


WickedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora