Sarah nods. "Because everyone is literally in love with her? And that would make the situation harder? And I just happen to be married to someone else? Yeah, I know."

I shake my head. "No, Sarah. It isn't just because of that." I glance at the kitchen real quick. "You're the HR Director, I'm sure you know all the shits she has done."

Suddenly she just giggles, covering her mouth with her fist. "I know some of it."

"Okay," I shake my head again. "Now that you're saying you love that goddess in the other side of the room, mind telling me what made you in love with her?"

After few seconds of saying it, I realize I sound like a cautious daddy.

"Apart of her being so hot, fucking pretty and all that cliché shit you're gonna say," I add. "What else do you love about Alex?"

Sarah runs her fingers through her hair, giggling. "Well," she says, nodding. "She gives a hella sex for a start."

I shrug, agreed. Alex really gives a hella, addictive sex. I know exactly how she touches and the way she seduces that makes us want more of her.

"But it is just a bonus though. I can't explain how, what and why I love her. But all I know is just that: I fucking love her."

I smile at her swearing. "In general, you love how she makes you feel during sex. True?"

She shakes her head. "More than that, Cara. Explaining what more I love about her is pointless. It's not like I get to make her mine one day, right? Because I am fucking married. And I don't wanna risk my marriage just to make her mine knowing I have so many competitors." She laughs. "I'm fucking aware that everyone is hustling to own her heart and I know Alex is a kind of person that so hard to fall in love."

"Mm, okay," I bite my lip, nodding. She has all the points. "Well, if you love her then fine. If you still wanna keep fucking her too, that's fine too. All I want for my best friend is out of any problems or troubles. Okay? Stay out of rumors. You know how they work here, right? They spread fucking fast."

I rub my eyes while I let out a giggle. "I'm sure we don't wanna have bad reputations."

Sarah makes a twirl on her drink and smiles. Her puffy lips stretch beautifully that I find myself enjoy looking at it.

"Do you think I'm just gonna fuck her only?" she says I barely can hear.

I look at her in confusion. "What now?"

"You don't think that I may come to you for a fuck?"

I accidentally let out a scoff. "Why me?"

"Oh, you know," she smirks. "You're the second Alex Blackwood. The second hottest woman ranked in the planet."

"Um, okay," I say unbelievably. "So I'm more like, your second option in your fuck list?"

"You're not seeing anyone right now, are you?" the smirk is still on her face.

"Dude," I shake my head. "You're married and you're still doing this? Really?"

Well, deep down. I don't have any problem with that. Sarah is sexually attractive just like Alex and I'm not dating anyone so why not?

"I can't fuck Alex that often," she smiles. "And you're just as good as her."

I just let out a laugh. I tilt my head and meet her eyes. "Has your husband stopped giving you the sex you need?"

She giggles, shaking her head and licks her lips. "Um, we still have it. But you know, it isn't the best."

"And so you think we're giving you the best pleasure?" I smirk.

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