To The Moon And Back

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"I love you" Harry whispers and kisses me

"I love you too"

"To the moon an back, you remember?" He smiles as I start thinking about one of our first dates


"The paparazzi outside are kinda annoying" Harry whispers while we're sitting in a nice restaurant in the middle of London.

"Don't care about them" I give back and take a sip from my wine

"You're right. Only thing I care about is you" Harry takes my free hand and looks at me with a slight smile on his face.

"Have I told you already that the dress you're wearing is unbelievable gorgeous?"

"Harry, it's just a usual black dress" I chuckle

"But it gets special when you wear it" Harry smiles as he turns his head to look outside.

"Harry? What are you thinking about?" I ask being a bit curious because he's staring outside and suddenly begins to smirk

"I have an idea" he just answers and calls the waitress

"Take that, we gotta go" Harry hands the nice woman money which looks like about 500 or something as he stands up, takes my hand and jacket and runs through the restaurant with me.

"Where are we going?" I laugh and try to follow Harry which is pretty hard in high heels

"Harry" I chuckle as he runs in the kitchen.

"Sorry, I need that" he keeps running while grabbing a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses out of a waiters hand

"Weirdo" I shout as he opens a door and we land in a staircase.

"What ar-"

"Up there" Harry smiles as I put my shoes off and we instantly both run upstairs.

"Come on" Harry shouts as I finally reach the end of the stairs and he opens the door which makes it able for us to go on the top of the roof of this huge building.

"Oh my god Harry!" I smile and look around as I drop my shoes because of bing so fascinated.

"Look" Harry grabs my hand and we run in the middle of the roof as he points up to the sky.

"It's full moon" he whispers as we both look at the gorgeous full moon shining brighter than ever before.

"I've always dreamed of flying up there" Harry breaks the silence a few moments later.

"Yeah me too but mom would probably get sick because of worrying so much" I chuckle as Harry wraps his arms around me.

"It's beautiful" I add and look at Harry who just simply stares at me with his beautiful and perfect green eyes

"I love you Brooklyn" he suddenly whispers as I have the weird feeling of jumping around because that was the very first time that Harry told me he loves me but for some reason I stay calm

"I love you too Harry" I whisper back and go on tiptoe to kiss him.

"I'd fly up there just so I can say that our love reaches to the moon and back" he says as I begin to giggle a little bit

"Are you laughing at me?" He asks with a smile as I shake my head and try to be serious again

"Good. Because it's the truth. I love you to the moon an back" Harry whispers and kisses me again.

~End of flashback~

"To the moon and back" Harry and me say at the same time and look at each other as I notice Harry's eyes shining exactly the same way as on that date years ago.

"I still love you like the very first day" he whispers and kisses me

"So much happened that night... You remember that paparazzi who just stumbled over his own foot? Or the one who jumped outta the bush?"

"Yes oh damn... But my favorite is the one who made the pictures out of the tree. Like... How the hell did he come up there?"

"Haha yeah" I laugh but somehow get serious again

"It was h-"

"Hard to pretend that it was only random dating? I know" Harry finishes my sentence with a kinda sad glance.

A few moments later I begin to laugh while Harry just looks at me like I'm a freaking idiot

"What?" He asks and looks at me with a more than confused glance

"You remember that one day we went on a secret date and there was that girl?" I laugh as Harry jumps off the counter and instantly begins to laugh with me.

"Oh right, Milly" he says and almost falls on the ground because of laughing so hard

"We walked down that empty street and started kissing a bit... Let's call it with a little more passion... as suddenly that girl called Milly showed up and you literally tried everything to make her believe that we're just friends but since she was a clever girl she didn't believe you"

"And she was like "oh my god Harry, I thought it was only random dating" and I didn't know what to say because she sounded like I'm her boyfriend and she just caught me cheating"

"And then we were just begging her to not tell anyone about us" Harry adds in laughter

"We did so much crap.
You gave her an autograph
She took a picture with me and I had to pretend that we just got back from a night out partying.
You made thousands of selfies with her
I even had to give her styling tips"

"Oh and we had to post that picture" Harry chuckles and shakes his head

"Oh right. We had to post a picture of her with the caption...... What was it again?"

"Nice evening with a nice girl" Harry answers and walks to me again.
While laughing, he ran around the whole kitchen which is a bad habit of him. He always needs to move a lot when he's laughing and that's what makes other people laugh with him.

"And in the end she was like o-"

"Oh, I wasn't even planning on telling someone" Harry interrupts me and tries to imitate that high voice of the girl which makes me laugh with him.

"That secret dating was pretty fun as well" I say as we both stopped laughing.

"And it made our relationship stronger" Harry adds and kisses me lovely.

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