20 things that happened in 2019

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Alright, so since it was almost 2020 (new generation year) I had to share to you my top 20 things that happened in 2019.

There are some things that I vividly remember and some things that I shall remember forever. But let's get to it.

20. Puberty Struggles of my Brother

Recently, my brother just turned 12 and he's starting to have puberty. But I think he's in the first stage but he got sort of matured when it comes to me. He was a bully but he was nice at sometime.

19. My ADHD struggle

My ADHD got somehow got worsen as I get older. With a lot of teen tanturms, crying without context and ending up saying bad things about myself. Like, I had wished I was gone of the world and wished that I was in hell. Life's been a torture, and I keep my head up. Besides getting my WiFi cut out and switching off to a Data plan.

It was sometimes a good thing, and sometimes don't. And I visually prayed for 2020 for a cure to ADHD that way, so then I can control myself, in emotion and in self-control.

18. Study Updates

So literally, my studies are well. Including a new teacher, Miss Antoinette.

I had missed a few things, and a few embracing moments, including passing the torch of being the Master of Ceremonies and knowing the fact that the mothers knew what my other life was. I felt guilty but I had planned by next year, I shall get a tutor. I don't know what the points of my studying, but it was damn great at least. With next year being the first OJT challenge.

17. Between the Lines of Life

Besides from all the things, I tried to be the best child that I ever be. From helping from chores to not even making a sound.

And I really sorry for my mother's struggle too.

16. Basic Writing Changes

So as you all known, I had overtime changed my writing. From a crooked confused lines (Destined to Defend) to the understandable lines and dialogues (One-shots, Stone-aged Heart and others) it's been a wild ride for me as a writer to explore a new style. Especially, I became more independent on writing the inside thoughts of a character.

I may be still writing, but things can just pop out to my head for once in a while.

15. My Wide Range of Friends

On my friends, actually my friend Lhimicomen had moved to a new school which it was sad to me that I liked him very much as a friend and Marvin just drafted by being gay, or I guessed his mother got mad one time that she knows that he was gay so she drafted him out of school. Besides them, my current ones, Alkisar and Joven, were two of the boys were currently bullies of our class. They often say bad things and they always bumped me and others whom they were disabled. It's awful to see them like their mother doesn't care about them. Ugh.

14. Family Feud

So currently, my family had a feud between my jealous Aunt Aida and us. She was a follower of Jesus Christ the Savior and she was indeed a Christian. But deep within her, she was selfish. She didn't want my grandmother to have fun but just taking care of her twin daughters.

It's awful to see her struggle too, but I pray her the best.

13. Major Earthquake Worries

Being nervous about the earthquake means having to loose a lot of things that you have in life.

When I knew that we'll have a massive earthquake coming to my country, I cannot help but worry about the dangers and about what happens if it happens right now on my ground. But whenever when I heard or mention about a earthquake, my heart starts to beat faster and I imagined all things that may be happening when that time comes and I was scared. I have even dreamt a few nightmares about it. But still, it doesn't happened yet, and I hope I prayed for the safety of me and others around me.

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