Disney·Pixar Soul - Spoiler Review

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Hello and Happy 2021! *I had to really delay this one week after due to the spoilers*

But today, I have to go deep insight on Disney and Pixar's new film, Soul.

(Don't mistaken me, cause everyone's been bragging about how they make them cry and I was confused about it, I spulrged myself to watch it through a third party app, and the rest was history)

And I'll try to compare the differences between this and Inside Out, which it started a little controversy before it was failed twice to release due to the pandemic happening right now. Plus, I will explain the ending's message in my prespective, since many people had marked theirs now.

Disney and Pixar's Soul is the unconditionally the second and the last animation film to premiere on 2020 (but come on, there were other animation movies that premiered in the cinema before the pandemic hits) and it centers around a music jazz teacher named Joe Gardener, whom he had a passion to play for the daily concert led by Dorethea Williams (can I spell her name right?) and he did actually got the part then suddenly he whisked away to the Great Before where he meets 22, a unbodinable soul who doesn't like the appeal of experiencing being human. And as just Joe teaches her the things of his life, he'll might unravel the answers that he discover that would never ask himself.

I love all the details that this movie gave me. I wasn't expecting a deep message that it'll get me through my guts. But also the stunning animation really wows my eyes like it seems that Pixar is truly working up the futuristic animation that they've never done before. The writers of this story did a swell job on the plot of the story as if it was only centered for young adults who was questioning the real meanings of life, which it was good for me! I never expected for a story that is in a coming-of-age and it's also in the topic of life and death.

For me, it's an instant classic that I shall never got bored watching it despite Coco and the Book of Life whom I got intrested in watching it and by the second I watched it, I was like, it's too indicated for kids but it's a good representation of those topics. But Soul was unlike the other two. The background music tells the story without unbearable words and I loved that kind of style for me as I would love to listen to that kinds of music that goes along with the narrative of the movie.

The little easter eggs that I must appreciate, especially the pixar ones (there were about 50+, if pause it for one scene in the Hall of Everything and before they entering the zone) and the tiny science things about human deaths are the energy things (nerds, you understand this, I believe you). It really blew my mind.

The most intresting part was the ending, and it does have a nice meaning to it. The part that I really tear up was the Jerry had given Joe a second chance at life which he asked that what he'll do for the rest of his life. Joe answers him with him living his life to the fullest, sparing every minute of it. Then the rest was for a different story.

There was basically room for more stories, but the one that I imagined, right after I watched it was what if, Joe and 22, as a person now, meet again in the Great Beyond and they tell many stories about how they were living their lives back on earth and what did they learned during their time there. I would love to see this story unfold for me. (Just realized that after many reviews, originally I've supposed to blame Disney for that but turns out that the next parts were for us to tell. But let me know if you wanted some kind of single shot fanfics of that one)

And the music and the soundtrack of it were actually soothing. But there was this one scene that blew my mind and it actually tells how Joe enjoys his life and he didn't actualy realized that he had opened up to his answer that he actually realizes the little things that beyond his eye, he must be thankful for. He already started his life long ago, and those things that 22 had picked randomly, had changed his perspective in life and how he sees the meaning of it.

To me it sounds like a real deal, I'm a former Christian and I do know basically how life goes. It was kinda a waste when I saw people dying from CoVid and I feel awful for some people who suffered and ended up dying painfully. It really showed me how life was fragile and how small moments like looking around in every street is never gonna be the same. (Alright I am having a sad moment now, alright? I do need to go back to writing my review)

The music that goes with it are incredibly a chef's kiss, alongside the ending score which I can visually recognize by the melody. And there's the one score in the credits (currently listening on repeat) that I actually felt satisfied about what this instrumental tells me. The melody actually tells a little bit of Joe and 22's journey and our journey in our lives also. And that's a minor thing about insturmentals.

Overall, it was likely the most mature animated movie that I ever watched in my entire life. And I've never expected for the surprises that were opening through each scene. Joe Gardener was a great character as if I was him in the story. Plus, he was the first person-in-color to ever be featured in an animated film. All I ever seeing was just girls of color around every single thing and I may never knew how different it was to see a character representing people-of-color. To me this is worth the price. And I always loved Disney seeing them taking the next step towards representing to us how people are different.

The story was enlightening, the characters were fun and sometimes quite charming, the animation was quite stunning in composed to what I imagined in real life. The ending may give us a few spaces for new stories, but it ends up with a bittersweet message that tells the audience to enjoy every minute of their lives and never waste your time doing the same things. 

And now to the controversy zone where in the teaser of this movie, people are arguing despite the differences between this and Inside Out (which I did love the plot of a child growing up, not to spoil that from here).

I know when I compare these movies, I defy them on how strong the story plot was, who were the characters in both of these stories and debunking the some-what maybe fact if 22 was Riley. It couldn't been true, but there's some slight differences that I just discovered between the two movies.

Inside Out was basically a story of a child moving away to a new home and at the same time, Joy is rekindling on the things that she might regret doing. It's not all just plain joy everyday and you'll might just felt the sadness once you've had felt it.

While in Soul, things are quite mature. It's story is strongly centered around life and death. Joe quite had the ups and downs throughout his journey in the film and at the end, there's some unique character development that changed beyond him. It's like reading a book that you'll might gonna glue your eyes on till the very end. Inside Out has emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear) who controls how Riley feels and her most main emotions in the HQ are her personality islands while in Soul, there were some little some-what soul creatures accompanying with the Jerrys, whom they take the souls to the U Seminar before they can be implemt themselves in their human kind in earth. And when they die actually, they actually go to the Great Beyond, where I guess they start their afterlife or heaven's life for short.

The soundtracks between those two movies are a little quirky good but it has some differences between it. Soul has the Jazz meets Techno kind of vibe that makes you want to dance out of your chair and just bop while Inside Out was typically like your childhood with the familiar theme song, topping that off with an incredible ending track that I could only recognize from the scene I imagined in the film. Unlike the others, whom it had up to two parts in duration to 40-55 seconds max.

But overall, I wouldn't been judged the controversy between those two movies, but that was my only opinion at this point. I had watched many Disney movies throughout the years but still I had to keep rooting up for more. (And there were new ones to hopefully root on)

I hope you've enjoyed reading this one, I know it has been surreal about what I post in Wattpad and I think I haven't posted a lot last year. But this year actually, I'm turning 18 which does mean I'll gonna be an adult (in the Philippines actually, the girls do often had their quincenera at age 18 as they transition to teenhood to adulthood), which I began to question myself for what I'll do after I turn 18.

Thanks to this movie though, I better start thinking about my plans for my future. Not sure what I plan though, but I've gonna work every minute of it. ✨ Have a magical day though!

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