Vampirina meets Garfield & Friends Basket Brawl

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(jazzy instrumental music in the tune of "Three Blind Mice")

( Monsters chattering)

Vampirina: (on mic) Good afternoon. We're coming to you live from beautiful Arbuckle Stadium for today's do-or-die meeting. Hi, everybody. This is Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley .

Demi : And Demi.

Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley: Bringing you all the play-by-play of today's exciting competition. A record crowd has turned out to see if the combined might of Jon Arbuckle and his team can stop the awesome Garfield Express.

Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley: Arbuckle is briefing his men now, so let's look in the locker room, shall we?

Jon: I'm counting on you all. The last eight times we've tried to go on a picnic, Garfield has eaten everything before we got out of the driveway.

(jazzy instrumental music)

Jon: Men, our goal is to get food into this basket. And remember, the opposition will stop at nothing. Are there any questions?

Garfield: Yeah. We got any mayo?

Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley: Demi, I don't know about you, but my money's on the cat. He's unstoppable.

Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley : Well, that's true, Demi, but he's also lazy. And if I'm not mistaken...

Demi: Excuse me. Here comes the Arbuckle team onto the floor. Arbuckle, Odie, and Nermal. They've all trained for months for this moment, and they're counting very heavily on the home-court advantage.

(whistle blows)

Demi: The referee has the grapefruit. We're ready now for the start of the game. Here's the toss of the ball. Odie goes for it, but he's out-jumped by Garfield! Garfield tips the ball to Garfield! Pull-down pass to Garfield. He dribbles down the middle. He pulls up a 15-footer, it'll count if it go-o-o-oes!

(mice cheering)

Demi: Garfield off to a strong start. And the crowd loves it! Now Arbuckle in to Nermal. Nermal to Odie. Odie back to Nermal. Nermal fakes him out. Charges down the floor for a lay-up. Nermal has it. He bloooows the shot! And Garfield rebounds. Throws a 60-foot pass back to Garfield! He's got it! He's in three-point territory. He puts it up. It's on the way! It's good for three!

(mice cheering)

Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley: The Arbuckle team is being out-hustled and out-muscled while the Garfield express is firing on all cylinders. Now Nermal in with the seven-layer cake. Nermal off to Odie. Odie dribbling down court. Can someone please clean up that dribble? Odie looking for an opening, stolen by Garfield. Garfield down court. What a play by Garfield! He keeps it. Five seconds on the clock...four...three...two...He swings left, he shoots right, it's a sky-hook, and he makes it! And that ends the first half! Arbuckle leads his team off the floor, and boy, they don't look too happy, do they, Demi?

Demi: They sure don't, Vee. Say, I'm down here now in the stands with Garfield's number-one fan. (to fan) Excuse me, what do you think of the game so far?

Phoebe: Well, the cat's really good, but we're having a little trouble getting refreshments here in the bleachers.

Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley: Well, why is that?

Garfield: (quickly slurps drink from straw)

Vampirina "Vee" Hauntley: Oh, I see. Well, the cheerleaders are coming out onto the court now, and I think they're...yes!

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