Vampirina Meets Garfield and Friends Quickie #9:Ceiling Food

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Garfield and Vampirina Quickie

 Food on the table mess up. Garfield and Vampirina throw Food on The Ceiling.  

  Garfield Said Dough some over body.   

  Vampirina said Now We need some carrots for Color.  

Garfield said Perhaps some spaghetti for texture and of course fries on the side.

Jon and Vee parnets come in and see The Two throw food on the ceiling.  

Jon said Garfield.

Oaxana and Boris Hauntley said Vampirina.

Vampirina said and Two eggs over-easy.  

Oaxana said  How long have you two been sticking food to the ceiling. 

they look up and saw food stick food to the ceiling.

jon said oh. Vee parnets said uh-oh.  

Garfield  something time now. food drop on jon and vee mom and dad. vee parnets and jon said mmmmmmmmmmmm. 

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