Chapter 2 : Awkward "friendship"

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Few rays of morning lights coming from the window came to tickle winry's cheek. She slowly opened the eyes, and smiled at the sight of a peacefully sleeping Edward. She was really happy that this wasn't a dream, but a part of her felt guilty for how weird she acted with him yesterday.
She knew that she should talk to him about what was on her mind, but her pride and a bit of fear made it way more complicated than it looked.
She knew that Edward was really bad at social interactions, and that fact added more reasons for her to talk to him. Why didn't he said anything about that yesterday?
She untied the boy's golden hair to play with it more easily. She looked at him with a concerned look, wondering what he could think about her.
She snuggled up against his chest, trying to forget about her messy mind and trying to enjoy the moment. It's the first time since they were children that they were sleeping in the same bed. Now that they are grown up and that she is aware of her feeling for him, it's far from feeling the same as it felt in her childhood.
She hid her face in his neck, carefully enough to not wake him up. He was right, she always complain to not know him well enough because he never open up to her, but she is far from being any better. She now understand how hard it was to say out loud what was inside your heart, and felt guilty for screaming at him many times when he didn't wanted to talk about what happened.

Some tears began to run on her cheeks, why was it so complicated? She just had to ask him one simple thing, right? But the fact that he didn't mentioned anything about it made her feel really anxious. Did he forgot?
Edward got quickly woken up by his neck feeling weirdly wet. When he heard winry's sobs, he gently pushed her away from him, just enough to see her face.
-Hey... What's wrong? He softly asked.
She wasn't able to talk, so she just hid her face against his chest.
Not knowing what to do, he carefully embraced her, and pressed her against him. They stayed silent a moment before she finally calmed down enough to talk.
-I feel dumb that's all! She began to yell between her sobs. I am just obsessed over your damn words! You're dumb! Why don't you want to be clear and talk like a normal human uh? Why did you brought alchemy into this?
He couldn't help but laughed, she wasn't able to talk without ending up screaming at him.
She didn't let him answer and kept yelling at him :
-It's been two years that I don't know what we are to each others and I am sick of it! Can't you tell me "I love you" like any normal people would have done?!
He rubbed the back of his head, kinda embarrassed. The problem is that he didn't really knew either what he wanted to tell her that day. Yes he loved her, but "I love you" sounded too much simple for what he was feeling for her. But once again, he made it sound way too complicated and totally uncharming. Actually, he prayed that she forgot about it all, but how could she have forgot it? And what does her answer meant? That she was okay about marrying him...?
'Wait what is my problem?! I never kissed her and I am already thinking about marrying her?!" His cheeks suddenly reddened.
-Well... Ahah... I am sorry Winry. I just don't know either...
He turned himself, feeling too awkward to face the girl he was in love with.
-I mean... Yes, I love you (thoses words seemed hard to tell for him) But, I don't want you to be my g-girlfriend but my w-w-wi...
It seemed impossible for him to pronounce the last word of his sentence.
-Your what? Asked winry, confused.
-Aah erm nevermind I-It's not that important! He quickly got up and ran out of the room.
-Ed! She yelled, but he already had left her room. She sighed, frustrated to not know what he wanted to tell her. She sat on her bed, and stared at the window.
'Fuck! Why does he always end up acting in a childish way even if he is an adult?!'
Actually, she knew what he was trying to tell her, but a part of her was still denying it. Like if she was afraid of it. She layed back on her bed, took her pillow in her arms, and stared at the ceiling.
What would it could look like to marry him...?
-This would be a catastrophy. She thought out loud, letting escape a small giggle. She couldn't help but kept imaginating how she would look in a wedding dress, and then she began to imagine them with children in their arms.
She cut off her own thoughts :
'what the fuck am I imaginating right now?! I am not even sure what he was going to tell me and I imagine having children with him?!' she scolded herself.
She let out a heavy and long sigh before going out of the bed, and then of the room. She heard water coming from the bathroom, telling her that Edward surely was surely taking a shower.

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