Letter from the Writer

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Authour's Note

I'd like to say before i start writing this online fic, that I've decided to add a character into the story, just for plot purposes and it is my story!nI've decided to call her Alison, and here is the profile that I've created for her. I'll be switching viewpoints from both fandoms's characters. She's the crossover character which will bring the story to life :). I've planted Alison in a heavier HP background because I feel it will be easier to incorporate her. I'm sorry to the Hinny shippers out there, but you could put her name instead of Alison!

The setting is after the battle of Hogwarts and Gaia has just been defeated. I know the timing doesn't make sense, but ignore the facts and let me blow you away with some mine-blowing fandom crossover :) Please like, comment and vote and let me know some of your ideas on what could happen next! Btw the situation is this: The trio is re-doing their last year in Hogwarts, as well as some other students which were kept home during their 7th year.

Name: Alison Evangeline Vega

Demigod blood lines: Athena, Zeus, Hades, Hephastus, Poseidon and Ares. (In her family line, there are demigods which were both wizard and demigod, but they died very quickly because these traits a to powerful for people who are not powerful enough to contain it. Alison is not demigod, but she has demigod blood.)

Wand specs: Laurel with unicorn hair, rigid, 10 and 3/4 inches long

Birth date: 6/6/1980

Age: (In this story, 18)

Parents: Evangeline and Chris Vega (works as Aurours for the Ministry, supporters of Albus, also died in many different ways..... Evangeline was bitten by something >:)

Siblings: Evelyn Vega, 23 (Was Percy Weasley's girlfriend, dead)

//Can see Threstrals//

Blood status: Pure

Description: She is a slightly less than average sized girl, with medium length wavy brown hair, greyish blue almond shaped eyes. Slightly squashed nose, rose coloured lips and heart shaped face. (Danielle Campbell, also known as Davina Claire from The Originals)

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor (Sorting hat did consider her for Slytherin)

Patronus: Doe, when Harry's around. Snowy owl when she's by herself. It's the greek demigod part of her which allows her to do this.

Accomplishments: Fully fledged owl animagus, OWLS in DADA, transfiguration, Potions and charms. Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Able to cast spells without saying them, or using a wand.


Alison Vega is a shy and quiet girl who is currently dating Mr. Harry Potter and is cousins with the Weasleys and best friends with Hermionie Granger. She grew up in the powerful ministry environment, her parents being aurors. She knew the Malfoys from a young age but never went into dark magic. It appears that Draco likes Alison. Alison's best friend Hermionie may be the Brightest witch of her age, but Alison happens to be the most powerful witch of her age. There is a difference between Power and Intelligence. Being exposed to dark magic when she was the mere age of 5 (Grandparents killed by Adgeor Mavis in front of her) she hopes to gain vengeance on Adgeor Mavis.

All rights for characters go to Rick Rodian and JK Rowling. I do not own any of the characters except Alison Vega and various parts of her family. The plot and idea is mine.

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