|The Neighbor Guy!|

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"Finally, all's done!" I lied down on the newly fixed bed in my room.

Today you and your whole family have shifted to the new house in XYZ city Working all the day, you felt so tired that you could even die to take some rest.

There was a balcony attached to your room. After getting fresh, you walked up to the balcony with your elder sister and kept looking at the view outside.

The roads were a bit busy, some people were having their afternoon walk then. There were some houses on the other side of the road too. The new garden around your house was lovely. You kept looking around when you noticed your friends walking by the garden.

You excitedly called them. There seemed to be confused at first, kept looking here and there searching for the voice. You again called them and then one of them looked at you. Your friends waved you 'hi' and complimented your new house, specially the garden. You were talking with them and suddenly your sister kept poking you in your arms.

"Y/N, Y/N. Someone's staring at you." Your sister said, her jaw clenched.  instantly looked at her and you followed her eye direction. You somehow managed to hide yourself a bit and waved your friends bye.

Dang, a hot guy, almost of your age, was looking at you. He had wore a wide smile on his face. When you saw him, he hid behind the curtains. You also ran back to the room. Your sister laughed.

"By the way, he's looks cute." Your sister poked you in the ribs. You playfully hit her.

Afetr she left your room, you looked at that house. You surprisingly find him peeking through the window too.

You find the matter kinda funny and laughed. You didn't realize that he was staring at you, smiling like an idiot.

You suddenly notice that he caught you laughing. You looked at him and this time, he didn't hide again. He pointed you to come out the balcony.

You thought for a while.

Should I go? Yeah of course!

You came out and stood there smiling. He waved you hi. You also replied him with a hi. He looked really really nice. His smile just kept attracting you every moment.

"I'm Johnny, You?" he asked you. His voice was so good. You smiled and said your name, "Y/N."

He was so eager to talk with you. He was a bit shy while talking. But hey... He looked so cute.

Maybe I have a chance with him?


We shifted to our new house yesterday!

And yeah when I was calling my friend down and waved her hi, a guy near her thought that I waved to him and he replied me waving back.😂😂😂😂Lololol pathetic guy. 🤣🤣🤣

And 'Y/N' sounds so eww. I better post my name😅. But this mainly Johnny × reader imagine. So I won't!



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