What a Way to Wake up

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Hi guys! So this is my new AU Christmas story - something I haven't seen in here and it's getting close to Christmas, I thought it'd be cute. Enjoy!


Ariana's eyes fluttered open as the morning sun entered the room. Ouch, Ariana thought as she rubbed her head, that must have been some fall. Once her eyes were fully opened, Ariana began to take in her surroundings; she was no longer at the theatre. In fact she was in a bedroom that she had never seen before. And she most certainly was not alone, there was definitely a big male body inching its way towards her. Uh oh, she thought, could I have done something, more like someone, really stupid last night? No it couldn't be, the last thing she remembered was being at the theatre.

"You awake baby?" Ariana gasped, she would know that voice anywhere.

"Jai?" Ariana questioned the confusion evident in her voice.

"Ariana," Jai laughed, mocking her, as he leaned over her.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Ariana asked as she stared at her friend, pulling the covers up over her body. She suddenly felt very insecure against the man whom she had crushed on for half her life.

"What do you mean what am I doing?" Jai arched his eyebrow in confusion. "Are you feeling ok? It's not the baby is it?" the worry was ever present in his voice, as his hand quickly moved to her stomach.

Ariana's eyes doubled in size as she saw her very pregnant body, since when in the hell was she pregnant? "The baby," she squealed, still shocked at herself.

"You're in labor!" Jai exclaimed as he quickly threw off the covers, ready for action.

"No, no, I'm not in labor," Ariana sat up and placed her hand on Jai's shoulder, hopefully reassuring him that everything was fine.

Jai breathed a sigh of relief. "Good," he lay back down in bed. "I just thought we'd have a little more time and there's still a lot to do before the baby comes."

"Umm right," Ariana replied as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"If you're fine, I guess we should continue where we left off then," Jai grinned as he leaned closer again, only this time Ariana knew exactly what he was about to do. His lips were practically grazing hers when...

"Mommy!" a little voice called out.

Jai closed his eyes in frustration. "Of course," he sighed but then chuckled as he pulled away.

"Of course," Ariana repeated, she wasn't sure if the little interruption was a good or a bad thing. She longed for Jai's kisses, but normally she knew where she was and she wasn't pregnant. Wait, rewind, did someone just call her Mommy?

"I think that's your cue," Jai stated as he got out of bed, stretching as his feet hit the floor.

"My cue?" she questioned, boy could she get more confused.

"Don't play dumb with me, Ari," Jai turned to face her, his arms folded across his chest, a playful grin on his face. "It's your turn and you know it."

"My turn?" Ariana asked, she hoped she didn't look as dumb as she sounded.

"Breakfast, you promised the munchkins Christmas tree pancakes," Jai replied as he looked at Ariana's semi-confused face.

"I did?" Ariana scrunched her nose.

"Are you trying to get out of it?" Jai grinned as he put his hands on his hips and Ariana's heart almost skipped a beat, how cute could one person be?

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