Chapter 18: Paranoia

Start from the beginning

"Nothing is wrong... You just seemed... off... at the meeting?"

Arnav shrugged. "It's nothing. Just thinking about the contract, don't worry too much."

Shankar smiled. "It's bad enough that your mother treats me like I am about to drop dead, don't you start too."

His lips pressed into a hard line. "That's not funny. How did the check-up go yesterday?"

His father waved off his concern. "Same old... but Basu told me something interesting."

Arnav didn't answer, knowing very well what was coming next.

"I heard you got Khushi an appointment at the hospital?"

"Yes," he said, unapologetic. He had planned on telling his mother soon enough, along with a well-versed story of why not to reprimand Khushi for hiding the whole ordeal. But it seems, his father had beaten him to it.

"Good," Shankar replied. "She probably must get bored sitting at home all day."

"She... she is working as a doctor there," Arnav said, making sure the point was clear. His father did not look surprised by the news in the slightest.

"An intern, right?"

Arnav nodded.

Shankar, however, did not elaborate. He simply sat on the chair, deep in thought. Finally, after what felt like years, his father stood up to leave.

"Is everything okay?" Arnav asked, not really understanding the point of this conversation.

"I came here to ask you that, but it seems that everything already is... unless, you wanted to tell me something?"

Arnav bit his lip, unsure. His father had a habit of talking him into things, so he didn't really put it past him to just wave off all his concerns about the land they were about to invest in. Besides, what proof did he have that they were making a wrong step? Everything had been checked out already, all the loopholes were closed. So why raise unnecessary concerns, especially when his father had barely recovered from his stroke?

"Arnav?" Shankar said, touching his shoulder. "Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

He took a deep breath. "No," he muttered. "Nothing at all."

Shankar smiled. "Good... this land is very promising. I have already spoken to the builders about the factory construction and they have cleared their schedule for us."

"They did?" Arnav asked, surprised. No such favours were given to him when he was running around trying to make things function while Shankar was admitted in the hospital.

"Yes, quite generous... but it's all in the negotiating Chote. They just needed a gentle reminder of what I did for them when they  were the ones going through a rough time."

Arnav simply nodded.

"Anyway, once this contract is signed next week, I think we can allow ourselves a bit of breathing space. With the holidays coming up, you know you are going to need it... your mother, of course, has everything planned out already."

Another nod.

Shankar sighed, perhaps catching on to Arnav's lack of response, even at the mention of his mother's often hilarious antics.

Taking a deep breath, Shankar said softly, "I am proud of you Chote."

"Er... what?"

"I am proud of what you have done... it's not always easy running things, especially when everyone seems to be constantly criticizing you. I am guilty of that too."

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