Chapter 2

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I breathe out another shakey breath and I run for it, seeing Tannar approach the tree.

"RUN!!!!" I yell, scaring the guys. They see Tannar and sprint after me. I laugh, but immediately stop as both the guys grab one of my arms, lift me off the ground, and continue running. I struggle to get out of their grasp, but once I do I sprint faster than they do. I grab each of their arms and sprint as fast as possible. They end up catching up to me and we all run. We see Kath and Markus, walking along the fences. We laugh and grab them into our running line. I run faster than them and see Bazz getting chased by Tannar. I grab him and pull him around her, making her turn, but end up falling.

"Damn it!" She yells. I get everybody away and I walk up to help her up. As in letting her tag me. We get everybody else and we walk to a McDonald's for some food. I did have money so I basically paid for them all. But it's fine! Their my friends! I offered to anyways. So the grand total is like $40. We all chill outside, eating when I check my phone. The house is like fifteen minutes away and its 10:50 P.M. I grab my stuff and get ready to go.

"Hey guys I've got to go! I'll text you later!!!" I say, waving and running towards home. I get home three minutes late. I open the door, out of breath.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time!" I say, sincerely. My parents walk up to me.

"You're grounded." They say, angrily. I sigh and walk up to my room. I plug my phone in and open the group chat.

Hey guys, so I got grounded and I'm pretty sure it'll be a week before I'm ungrounded... sorry...

It's fine, we can hangout when you get ungrounded and we can always hangout at school!

Thanks for understanding!

End of texts...

I turn my phone off and get ready for bed when I hear rocks banging on my window. I open it, scared I'm going to get hit by a rock.

"Lannan?! What're you doing here?!" I yell. He shrugs.

"I wanted to see you!" He says, calmly. He climbs up the vines at crawl up to my window.

"Why would you want to see me?" I ask him as he sits on my windowsill.

"Because I thought you'd feel lonely. Besides I wanted to hang out!" He says, smiling.

"Well, if I get caught, I'll be grounded even longer and you'd better bet that they would forbid me to see you!" I say, scared of being too loud.

"Fine, fine. You win, I'll leave. I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n." He says, hugging me goodbye. He leaves and I shut my window, careful not to make any noise. I lock it and get dressed in my pajamas. I hear knocking on my door.

"Y/n? Are you okay in there? We heard voices and wondered what was happening." My parents say through the door.

"I'm fine! I was just on a call with my friend!" I say, lying to them. It doesn't feel right, but I'll have to stick with it.

"Oh, okay, well it's time for bed! Goodnight babygirl! Love you, see you in the morning, sweet dreams!" They say. I tell them good night and jump on my bed. I pull the covers up to my chin and over my shoulders, making me feel safe. I stare at the ceiling, thinking. I feel my eyes get heavy and I let them do their thing...

In the morning...

I wake up and immediately get dressed. I check my phone and I have an hour until school starts. I run down stairs and grab two pieces of toast. I eat it on my way to school, but not before I say goodbye to my parents. I had my school bag on and I had a feeling I was forgetting something.

"MY LAPTOP!!!!" I yelled, running back home to grab it. I run up to my room and grab my laptop, headphones, and my mouse. I say goodbye once again and I run to school this time, knowing I have everything. I even have my pen that i can use to draw on my laptop. I walk into school and see them all, chillin' on the couches and chairs. I plop down in a seat next to Bazz. Lannan is across from me. Cray next to him and Elliott next to him. Across from Elliott is Markus and Kath on his lap. And in front of Cray is Bazz. We talk about what our YouTube channel names are gonna be and where we want to live after all this. We all decided we want to live in a house all together, and that we'd also create a YouTube channel together. Click was the channel name they wanted. I mean we are all seniors. I feel eyes looking at me again and I look around amongst us all. I lock eyes with Lannan once more. I look down at my lap, once again, embarrassed. I take out my laptop and download Minecraft. They all look at me with astonishment. I look at them all questioningly.

"Y/n? How'd you get that laptop?!" Elliott yells/asks. I raise an eyebrow and look at him confused still.

"My dad brought it home from work for me?" I say questioningly. They all look at me with more confusion.

"What's your dad's job?" Markus asks.

"He works with computers. He designs them and gives them ideas for new types of computers? Why?" I say, very confused why they are asking.

"That type of laptop isnt even in stores yet!" Lannan yells. I cover my ears scared.

"I'm sorry I even brought it... I should ask my dad to take it back... I shouldn't have it..." I say, sorrily.(Like you're sorry or some shit, I'm bad at knowing things, dont ask.) They shake their heads.

"No no no! It's fine, we're just telling you it's not even out yet and, we're just extremely curious!" Kath says. I nod and apologize. We all chill, playing Minecraft and Fortnite. Another kid, who I've never seen before, comes up to Lannan and whispers in his ear.

"Fresh, why dont you just pull a chair up? She may be new, but she most definitely wont bite!" Lannan says. I laugh and stand up. I go grab a chair and pull it up. I set the laptop on the chair and I sit on my knees. We are currently playing fortnite. We all play on a private server. Lannan and this Fresh kid are a duo. Cray and Bazz. Kath and Markus. Elliott and myself. We all play a few rounds and all of us lose to Lannan and this Fresh kid.

"Good game!" I say to Fresh.

"Same to you! Say, I never got your name." He says.

"My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n." I say putting my hand out to shake his. He takes it gladly.

"Harley Campbell." He says, taking his hand back. The bell rings and we go to our classes...

Click Life (Lazarbeam × Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz