Meeting new people

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(???) well hi my name is nurse Ann.
Y/n: hello
Ann: how are you feeling?
Y/n : ok i guess and why does everyone keep asking that
Ann: well slenda giving you static will tend to give anyone slender sickness
Y/n: that explains a lot

Slenda: well I think you should get to meet the other residents in the mansion

You knew exactly what she ment

Y/n: won't they try to kill me?

Slenda: everyone has promised that they won't hurt you, run along . Ann and I need to have a chat

You walk out of the room as the door closes behind you

Well to late now to back out you thought to yourself as you approached a door that had the name Jane written in it in platinum plating.

You knock and wait
(???) come in
You slowly open the door as you see so how appears to be Jane

Holy shit you thought
Jane : hi you must be y/n

Y/n: yeah that's me
She was kinda creepy looking with virgin white skin and eyes like black hoes in empty space

Y/n: well I guess I should go and meet the others

Jane: nice meeting you y/n

As you walked to the other room you thought Jesus that was awkward

The next room there was Jess carved into the wood, you knocked then waited

You here someone who got out of bed and then answered the door.

She opens the door probably expecting it to be someone else. She was only wearing really small t shirt and whit lacy panties, she had a smile carved into her face and no eye lids
Y/n : oh um I'm so sorry i didn't —-

Jess: it's fine, if your going to live here you should get used to it since we are all girls

Hearing this made you gulp

Y/n well hi I'm y/n l/n

Jess what do you think of it here
It's not too bad so far
Your eyes kept trailing down to her rack

Jess: hey buddy eyes up here

Y/n oh I'm so sorry I just—-
She cut you off by saying
Jess: it's fine, your a pubescent boy, I don't really expect anything different.

Y/n how many other people are there here now?

Jess : there's 4 others here the rest are out on killings

Y/n who should I go to next?

Jess: well since you have been to Jane already and met Ann and slenda, you should meet Benny next

Y/n: ok thank you

Jess: ok cya


She closed the door as you then walked too the next door

You knocked and waited for a while until someone opened the door
She was a girl with dirty blond hair and a link costume, she had black eyes and Rey dots for pupils

(???) I guess your the guy

Y/n I'm a guy

(????) the names Benny
Jane walks past the door way holding a washing basket, " she's the stoner off the house"!!!
Benny : yeah hehe, now tell me, do you like video games

Tow hours later

You two were playing gta 5 and you were in a 5 star chase for ten minutes now.
Boom!!!!! You die then the classic wasted screen comes up


You check the time and it's 6:00

Slenda: Dinner is ready everyone

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