40 ~ Ah, Yes, the Stress Memes

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When you get so stressed out you start searching memes about being stressed out.

When you get so stressed out you start searching memes about being stressed out

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I don't even know where I'd get lavender 😂, let alone that much. But I need it apparently XD.

 But I need it apparently XD

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I have dreams... they're just not realistic or achievable so I don't put that thought into them 😂.

... I guess I'm killing off my own dreams. 🤣

That's one way to describe how I felt two days ago—

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That's one way to describe how I felt two days ago—

But I'd use the term "about to die because of the world around me" instead. 😐👍🏼

Generalized Anxiety doesn't help either 😑😑.

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Exactly. 😑 🖕🏼.

I was stressed that I wasn't stressed yesterday T_T

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I was stressed that I wasn't stressed yesterday T_T. That's logical. 😑😐😑


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That's like saying, "You're in a room with a bomb and you have to deactivate it without your hands shaking at all from stress or anxiety". It's f**king impossible. 😩😅

Change that to teachers picking you out by name in the middle of the class to answer the question

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Change that to teachers picking you out by name in the middle of the class to answer the question.

It's almost worse when they're picking other kids first and you're just waiting for them to call you next 😟. It's like waiting for death. 😓😂 The trick that usually work to not get picked is to not make eye contact 🤣.

 😓😂 The trick that usually work to not get picked is to not make eye contact 🤣

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Where is this school? I need to have my classes there. 😂


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Now, the moment we've all been waiting for but not necessarily wanted in the first place...

... My own meme.


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See? It's trash but oh well. 😂 It's something, right? 😂

Whelp. Imma Yeet off. I got to drive to America tomorrow 😑😤. Twenty-four hours both ways 😩.


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