My Bad Habits

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I have bad habits and I need some recommendations in what I should do to correct my bad behavior.

You can choose from My Yellows for these
- Swearing
- Stealing
- Staying up late
- Being rude
- Talking bad about someone
- Not washing my hands
- Not showering/bathing

You can choose from My Greens for these
- Using my phone too much
- Watching too much tv
- Not doing my chores
- Eating too much junk food 
- Not changing my clothes
- Cracking my knuckles, neck, back, and toes.

Feel free to give suggestions in what other punishments I can do. I need to learn what not to do and this seems to be the only way. You can combine punishment and they can last as long as you want. Sometimes I don't go through with all of my punishment so if you can, could you make a even worse punishment for if I don't go through with it, I need to learn that I can't back out of these things.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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