WHY A MANSION (A/N at the end)

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Now it was noon, and Peashooter couldn't seem to understand. Why a mansion, nothing makes sense to him, well it wasn't because he was stupid. No, it was because he had a very bad memory with being in a mansion and getting lost for 3 days and some other stuff. Not a great feeling to have, since that day he never was the same. Ok now that was stupid.
"So why am I here for exactly? Is there something wrong, because I seen that face many times before." The truth was he did know what was wrong he just wanted confirmation.
"Well I brought you in, because you have experience in war right?" Marina seemed desperate for an answer.


"Yes, but I need to know what you need me for?" I took her hand, and pink spread her cheeks. She responded " There was a huge attack from the rebels, and killed so many soldiers, and-" tears fell down rapidly. "I don't know what to do!!" Wow that escalated quickly...
"It's alright I help out, don't cry stay strong." Oh dear this is so much pressure I think she might need a break. I don't know. I just know that this war is just going to have to solve with something or something... Wait hold on I got an idea!!
" Marina I have a prank idea. So how about we get an army big enough to attack the rebels so we can save your kingdom. How does that sound?" Her face lighted up with hope. " You mean that peashooter? Do you think we can get an army but I where we get one and how do we get so many troops! I need to think about this." She casually walks into the room, and there was some water leaking in.
I hope that We can actually just do something quickly about this. But for now We have to think about what we need to do.
She needs help alright. What else can explain the horror on her face crying out for help? That's unless it's some crazy vandalisation then I can understand but what if this is serious as King Gnome told me like an hour ago. I suppose there was an alliance they're attacking secretly. This is some things are close to start of a war and I don't know what to do. Come on peashooter think!!

Alright then...

I have to tell her To get the council up in a meeting or something so we can talk about this situation.

When I finally fell Marina she looked calm and steady. She was reading some paper and out loud or something. I couldn't understand probably some language or maybe could because my ears were just do blocked by all this loud sounds outside. I walk up to her casually not trying to scare her. She looks up. And she seemed pretty confused. Her Ruby eyes stare right at me judging me like if I did something wrong. Well, I won't blame her she was tense about the whole situation and she just finished crying a few hours ago. Yes hours, I wast lost in this mansion for two hours. I quietly get up to her.
And start to speak.
"Marina I think I know what we need to do. We need to go to the council and tell them about the situation and we need an army. We need troops to attack defend this Kingdom. You need to tell them." Pleading to her I grab her shoulders making her look at me.

She then taps her finger on the desk and with a quiet tone she replies.
"How do you know they're going to actually listen all I know is that the council sometimes Don't actually take remarks of other people and won't help unless we can make a bargain with money. From what? I know we're going to have to make them help us we need to do something that can show them like, you know what I mean, right?"

She slumps down, taking some thinking. Until she clicked on something? I didn't know what got in her mind, but she looked excited I'll maybe ask her later. Taking her things out of her desk. She quickly goes into my direction showing me pictures of the whole ordeal I didn't get to see them.
But I knew that she had it planned in her head now. I guess my idea worked we just going to have to go get the council. But I wonder oh, yeah Right. She's a princess. She will just get them in a meeting up as good as quickly.
It's easy. 
She takes my hand, and I follow her, kinda tired. It's fine though.

The one thing I'm thinking about....

Why a mansion? I get lost easily...

A/N I think I made some mistakes and there's so many words, so I can't spot them? I used the recorder thing? You know that thing were you use the recorder and speak? Yes that one, I had to fix some words. Also I'm trying to get better at writing. Peashooter is going to help Marina!!! Great!!! I'm also trying to make Peashooter less annoying. It's hard to do that when you make him an idiot for 3 years. I
Yes I made little stories with an idiot Peashooter I found it fun. Bye!!

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