chapter 3

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Afnan's POV

The week days passed in a jiffy , before you know it its Saturday.

Today being the stressful day it is, everyone is busy doing various chores, and that's because, yaya Abeedah's finance, Hariss is almost getting married to her and today his family are bringing the lefe.

Me and mama are making the food, Nabeelah and Aneesa are going to clean the house and do the dishes, while yaya Asif is send to an errand.

And the bride to be herself is doing exactly nothing......I mean at least she can help before leaving the house, but being the lazy sis she is , that won't happen.

It's a tradition that to every bride receiving her lefe should not be seen in the house, so she's leaving to God nows where in a few hours.

"Mama what are you so happy about" i asked after noticing her smile after quite sometime.

"Your Dad is also coming back today" she replied slicing some vegetables.

"Is that the only reason"  I asked again.

"No, your sister is also getting married, let's say am sad and happy at the same time. Amma happy she's getting married but sad because she's leaving us" she said the last part with a sad smile.

"She's not going forever mama, she will be coming for visit" I replied smiling at her.

"Yeah I know, I just can't get rid of the feeling, you will know when you're going to get your own daughter married someday" 

The last statement make me go red.

"Awnnn, are you shy" she cooed pinching my cheeks.

"Mama!!" I whined pulling her hand away

"Or is there someone you're not telling me about" she replied while smirking

"Oh God, mama there is no one" I replied blushing furiously

"C'mon, you know you can tell me, besides who will you tell if not your mama" she replied while stirring the soup with a smile.

I almost cut my hand while cutting the cabbage.

"Mama i mean it ,there is no one trust me,by the way who will like a fat girl" I mumbled sadly, the truth sucks right, but you just have to deal with it.

"Oh no dear, that's not true" mama replied with a frown, she hates it when I say stuff like this "honey, love is not determine by what you look like or how much you way, but by the fast beating of someone's heart over another, if a man should love you, he should do it by who you are not what you look like, otherwise, he didn't deserve you at all" she finished with a satisfied smile.

That's why I love this woman so much, she can make you feel better with just a few words.

"Really?" I asked timidly.

"Off course dear" she replied with much enthusiasm.

"OK" I replied trying to reassure myself.

"And I believe your soulmate is going to be someone so special" mama said with a bright smile.

"Mama!! Can we please stop talking about HIM , you're making me shy" I whined.

"Alright dearie" she replied with a chuckle as she enjoy teasing me.

"Ya Allah its already 15 minutes past 12" mama panicked checking her phone "We have to hurry the chicken done, go and check if su nabeelah sun gama and call Abeedah for me" she rushed out.

"Mama we still have time , calm down OK" I assured her "and the chicken is done" I replied.

"OK, OK now go call your sister for me, bari na duba Idan su Nabeelah sun gama" she replied pushing me out of the kitchen

Story of my life: A hausa lovestoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt